Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
Archive for February, 2014
The Time Line of a Few Life Times

Joseph Maugeri, IDC4001H Timescapes at the Museum of the City of New York is a multimedia/multiscreen production that gives a brief history of one of the greatest cities. Spanning from Manhattan’s days as a simple farm land to what we know today. I think it is easy to criticize the video for not including everything […]

Meaning is in the Eye of the Beholder

Derick Liu IDC 4001H MTBH Deyan Sudjic seems to be claiming that all architecture holds a deeper social meaning, that every building we see is a product of the ego rubbing of the politically powerful, and influences the public’s perceptions. I can’t fully agree with Sudjic on this complex. Not all structures are built by […]

Building a Meaning

In The Edifice Complex, Deyan Sudjic argues that architects are often employed by people with power to create and design buildings and complexes that seem to exert a certain message of power. Sudjic argues that architects and the rich and powerful who have the resources to employ these architects almost have an ulterior motive when […]

An Impossible Task

Twenty-two minutes to capture New York City’s rich history into one video is a daunting task for anyone to partake. The Timescapes exhibition at the Museum of the City of New York attempts to do so by telling a narrative of the history of New York and incorporating various forms of media into one video […]

Timescapes: 390 Years in 22 Minutes

Timescapes is a concise twenty-two minute film that condenses the history of New York since its founding in 1624. This is an interesting documentary that includes detailed information supported with maps and rare, old photographs of New York.The short film highlights important aspects in the evolution of New York that may be inspirational and touching […]

Timescapes: A Film That Impresses

The Museum of the City of New York features a three screened short film, “Timescapes,” that spans across the history of New York City since its founding. The film itself was very interesting, informative, and well made, but I personally felt as if the experience was lacking. The short film, utilizing animated maps, historical photos, […]

How NYC Came To Be

Have you ever walked around in the city and started wondering to yourself what the land that you’re walking on looked like 400 years ago?  You start asking yourself questions such as, “Were there wild animals aimlessly exploring the land for food and shelter? Did trees and shrubs blanket this land? Did the Indians have […]

Symbolism or Pragmatism?

In the Edifice Complex, Sudjit explains that “architecture is a means to tell a story about those who built it.”  Stories that express capability, decisiveness, seduction, imitation, celebration, and ideologies of the architects, the countries and the patrons.  While he sounds believable (especially because of his passion in looking for the symbolism and the whys […]

Disappointing Activism

The Activist New York exhibition that I remember most vividly was the one regarding people protesting the construction of a mosque near Ground Zero. Photographs of men and women alike held up signs declaring that building a mosque was disgraceful, disrespectful, and heinous.  It makes me sad that people make generalizations of this degree. Just […]

Does Money Really Control Everything?

“Architecture is about power. The powerful build because that is what the powerful do.” Sudjic argues that power, dictates architecture around the world. He poses a provocative argument. At first glance, I found myself agreeing with everything he had to say. Sudjic is right about the things he says, but fails to acknowledge architecture as […]

Architecture Cannot Contain Inherent Meaning

It is difficult to ascertain any inherent meaning from a building because objects do not contain inherent meaning. Objects only have meaning because humans assign meaning to them. The text you are reading right now are mere pixels of light illuminating from a screen; that is all it is. It is a human thing to […]

Story of New York: Not New Yorkers

The Museum of the City of New York had some great exhibitions of graffiti arts and photography of aftermath of Sandy. It was pleasant to see the City museum acknowledging graffiti as one of the categories of art rather than vandalism. However, the twenty-five minutes length media film that summarized the history of New York […]

The Grand Emissary

The idea of everlasting infrastructure presenting the perfect balance of modernism and symbolism of superior authority, civil culture, and wealth being named after self is a fascinating imagination. What else can such achievers of wealth and victorious conquerors of warfare do to convey their pride and affluence? Obtaining grandeur monuments emphasizes much stronger impressions on […]

What, Where, When, How, and Why?

Helen Li IDC 4001H-Prof. Maciuika February 15, 2014 Originally buildings served as a shelter or haven, but as horticultural societies developed, architecture is commonly associated with economic, social, and political values. And, behind every standing or demolished building, is a meaningful story. The meaning of a building is projected through the time period and location […]

A Visit to the Museum of the City of New York
A Visit to the Museum of the City of New York

What I found most interesting about our visit to the Museum of the City of New York was the graffiti art. There has long been a debate over whether or not graffiti is art or vandalism; the MCNY clearly believes the former, since they host a variety of graffiti art on the first floor. One […]

Globalization, an Effect of Modernity: Will It Affect Your Job Search?

Globalization, an Effect of Modernity: Will It Affect Your Job Search All three of the articles “Rocket Machine”, “What is Globalization?”, and “Modernity – Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow” demonstrate or explain the consequence of modernity that is globalization. The latter article, which conveys what modernity is along with its implications, describes globalization as the process […]

Romanticizing the Fall of Rome

Stephen Elliott IDC Blog Post 1 What Marx said of Modernism, as “showing signs of decay far surpassing the horrors of the latter times of the Roman Empire”, is the common yet woefully frayed thread between Beck and Berman. In both pieces there is an inherent assumption that the modern world is a “maelstrom” which […]

The Only Constant in Life is Change, Duh

Jackelyne Diaz IDC 4001H – Professor Maciuika February 1, 2014   The Only Constant in Life is Change, Duh   No matter how advanced we may be in political ideologies, business models, or technology, we can always count on knowing with certainty that they will change at some point in the future. The Berman article […]

Our Own Gravediggers

Selina Lee IDC 4001H Professor Maciuika February 2, 2014 The readings address the causes, effects, relationships and other factors of modernization, Berman, and globalization, Beck.  In the beginning of All That is Solid Melts Into Air, Berman says that: “Modernality can be said to unite all mankind.”  Both What is Globolization? and Rocket Machine: How […]

The Illusion of Advancement

The Illusion of Advancement With the newfound discoveries in science and innovations in technology, the world progressively shrinks and people become more interconnected and intertwined. With time and space between countries and people across the globe shortening, ideas, knowledge, and culture are spread faster and faster. Improvements, advancements, and progress can be seen jumping from […]

The Environment of Global Community, a Question of Cost vs. Benefit

Each paper has a different topic; they discuss ideas of modernity and globalization, which aren’t too obviously connected. However, the two notions both discuss community on a global scale and how it influences our lives. Questions regarding the benevolence of this community are raised. As such, it seems appropriate to link them as arguments of […]

The Decay of Mankind

Konstantin Dukhovnyy, IDC 4001H – Prof. Maciuika, 1/29/14 The ideals of Rousseau, Marx, and Paz have been lost in today’s age of so-called “efficiency.” Each of the three pieces describes how modernism has corrupted society and the individual. Corporations don’t care about ethics, governments aren’t looking to change society for the better, and individuals are lost in […]

Modernism Maelstrom

Richard Holbrooke once said, “As countries grapple with modernization, people who are left behind tend to hold firmer and firmer to their view of the evil of modernity.” Although this quote doesn’t fully pertain to every concept the readings have to offer, I think it does a great job describing the main idea each author […]

Globalization—Having the Same Desires all around the Globe

<![endif]–> Helen Li IDC 4001H-Prof. Maciuika February 2, 2014   Globalization—Having the Same Desires all around the Globe   ​            Modernization and globalization are both the causes and effects of economic expansion. Entrepreneurs, or the bourgeoisie as Karl Marx refers to them, are underlying activists that created the modernized world we have today. In order […]