Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
Archive for February, 2014
Nothing’s Really Changed

The rise of technology has made our lives easier. Thanks to technology, we are no longer limited to people and places by proximity. Technology has allowed us to communicate and interact with people halfway across the globe and has also allowed us to travel to places beyond this world. People travel farther to work, companies […]

Going Global to Make Money

Going Global to Make Money Pessia Goldberg IDC 4001H – Prof. Maciuika 02/02/14 Going Global to Make Money           One of the key unifying concepts from the three assigned readings is the increasing loss of community values in favor of selfish personal advancement. I happened to read The Economist article first, […]

The Magnitude of Modernity

Edward Roscigno IDC 4001H Professor Maciuika 2/2/14 The state or quality of being modern is relative. It is relative to time, location, and past experiences. Despite the ambiguity of the term modern it is safe to say that no matter what the stipulations are, what is modern today will not be modern in the future. […]

A Step Forward and Back

For many years, people have progressed to improve their lives. The necessity for improvement and progression led to the invention of machines. It is what brought humanity into modernism, globalization, and finally the establishment of Rocket Internet. Although machines are able to help people with their everyday lives and certain labor-intensive jobs, they have also […]

The Dialectic

Rossella Failla One of the common threads throughout the articles is change. Society changes throughout generations, changing many aspects of life. Berman presents the issues set by modernization as a paradox to today’s generations. He periodized modernity into three time periods, looking at how modernity changed aspects of society. Berman’s approach is to teach society […]

Risky Business in the Mad Rush to the Top

Jenna Hosier – IDC 4001H – Prof. Maciuika – February 2nd, 2014 Risky Business in the Mad Rush to the Top The three readings seem to be connected by mankind’s perpetual need to move forward, and loss of control in the process, and the concept of globality. The very essence of Berman’s title All That […]

Destruction in Pursuit of Creation

Ilana Gelb IDC 4001H- Professor Maciuika 2/1/14 Destruction in Pursuit of Creation One must destroy in order to create. In a time of Modernization, when the world is constantly changing, it is difficult for individuals to find steady ground. The readings, “All That is Solid Melts into Air” by Marshal Berman, “What is Globalization” by […]

Show Me The Money

Navtej S. Ahuja IDC 4001H Professor Maciuika February 2, 2014   Show Me the Money             Economics has driven and will drive globalization. Because of this, those who enter new markets tend to focus less on the cultural differences between those they are interacting with and more on the possible monetary benefits they can attain. […]

Top of the Pyramid

The three articles focus on how the world has changed and expanded due to globalization and modernization. The articles voice a negative response as to how the overall quality of economic welfare and social development is gradually degrading. In What is Globalization? Ulrich Beck states the problem with transnational corporations being “virtual taxpayers.” Corporations find […]

Example Assignment

Example Document [this has been pasted from the uploaded doc] Test Document for Assignment Uploading This is your first paragraph. You should copy all this text and paste it in the post, so that we can both download your assignment and read it on the course site. Note: For instructions on how to post your […]

Assignment Posting Guidelines
Assignment Posting Guidelines

Hi Everyone! This is a sample post for how to upload and post your assignments for the course. Sorry for the rocky start–I had to tweak the user capabilities, but as of today you should be able to do the following: 1. In the dashboard, under posts, select “add new.”  2. In this new post, […]

The Cage of Modernism

Joseph Maugeri, IDC 4001H – Prof. Maciuika, 2/4/14 Today with communication at an all time high, there is less room for error and divisions are apparent. In a shift to a modern era, change occurs but none are fundamental. Some take advantage of the shifts. For example, companies like Rocket Internet have utilized the increased […]

Society’s Been Globalized…Cool

Society’s Been Globalized…Cool Natan Wise IDC 4001H – Prof. Maciuika February 2nd, 2014              The running theme through these readings, aside from the mostly pretentiously writing and practically impertinent theories, is that our world has become increasingly globalized since the industrial revolution.  In What is Gloabalization? Beck writes that globalization […]

Juxtaposition: Modernization

The three articles address the issues of our current society –rigorously individualistic, competitive and capitalistic –and suggest there must be more optimal way in management whether it is in global, transnational, or corporate scale. The three articles share a common concept of human economic and social development leading to tragedy rather than advancement. Our capitalistic […]