Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
Downing the Dutch

New York City is full of rich history. The development of this magnificent city is taught in all of our history classes. But sometimes, teachers leave out minute details or figures that played a role in shaping this one of a kind city. In “Island at the Center of the World,” Russell Shorto offers readers an in-depth perspective of the history of Manhattan and how it was established. One person that Shorto mentioned in Chapter 14 who really interested me was George Downing. Downing was “one of nine young scholars” who graduated from Harvard’s first class (Shorto 482). After graduating, Downing traveled to London where he demonstrated his affection for the English and was eventually assigned ambassador to The Hague by Oliver Cromwell. What really caught my attention about Downing was how he managed to salvage his career after the death of Cromwell. When Cromwell passed away, the Stuarts regained the throne and Downing, trying to keep his profession on track, quickly denounced his support for Cromwell and showed his faithfulness to Charles Stuart II by “trapping and arresting three of [Downing’s] friends who had sentenced Charles’ dad to death” (Shorto 485).  Without Downing’s ability to save his career, who knows what would have happened to the island at the center of the world in the years to follow. Fast forward three years to 1661. After negotiating a trade treaty, Downing tries to convince the king that now is the proper time to attack the “Dutch hard, with soldiers, ships, and cannon fire” (Shorto 492). Downing took the initiative to create a plan incorporating the entire “Atlantic Rim” (Shorto 494). The plan featured ideas such as “the changeover of Manhattan Island, the consolidation of the American colonies, and the ramping up of the slave trade into an epoch-changing institution” (Shorto 495). It is incredible to think that these relatively progressive plans were devised by Downing and a small group of his comrades. James Stuart, the king’s brother and “head of the Admiralty,” backed Downing’s plans and advised the king to implement them. Although you may have never heard of this fellow before the reading, George Downing played a crucial role in the development of the New World and the island at the center of the world that we all love today.

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