Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
Not All Grass is Green

Pessia Goldberg

While I found the Ms. Haydock’s speech to be quite fascinating, unfortunately I cannot say the same of the EDGEucation Pavilion exhibit.

Ms. Haydock gave several interesting insights into how urban landscaping can be used to make the City safer, cleaner, and more beautiful. I especially enjoyed hearing about the different plants that could and should be used in the place of grass because the grass currently found in most parks and lawns is not very green. (It is green, actually, it’s just not very environmentally friendly – it doesn’t soak up much water and uses a lot of electricity for maintenance.)

The EDGEucation Pavilion is an exciting project that seeks to turn Sherman Creek Park along the Harlem River into a beautiful and useful community space. Like Ms. Haydock’s work, the Sherman Creek Park project will make the City a greener and more enjoyable place to live. Great idea, boring exhibit. Am I wrong to think a museum exhibit should be more than a cramped hallway with a few sketches on the wall? I don’t think I would’ve missed out by seeing the same “exhibit” online. The only thing I found rather adorable was the architectural model of the park that had teeny metal park-goers in it. It was very detailed, and one little shiny guy even had a hat on. Other than that, the experience was largely underwhelming.

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