Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
Just Like Camelhair

Joseph Maugeri

Let’s begin by looking at a simple relationship. Supply and Demand. If there is a demand for a certain item, it shall be supplied. Thus is the case with menial items such as basic clothing, shelter, and food. It is also the case with ornate items to satiate the wealthy. Luxury cars and exquisite suits, versus, boiler repairs and cold cuts. We consume what we can, and as much of it as possible.

Robert Nozick outlines his entitlement theory with three parameters. Number one, dealing with “the initial acquisition of holdings.” It states: a person who acquires a holding in accordance with the principle of justice in acquisition is entitled to that holding.

So the just acquirement of nominal wealth is subject to arbitrary consumerism, and not a single person can dispute that it is unreasonable. But there is a key word in that sentence. Just. What is just? And how do we quantify it? Can we? Well I’m honestly not sure, but I’ll tell you that we can quantify consumer expenditure. We can look at the hip new apartment buildings in Manhattan and how they fetch a pretty penny. They’re new and all the rage with those at the top of the socioeconomic food chain. Plus who can deny that the view from one of these buildings would be nothing short of breathtaking. Those who can afford them will sleep closer to the stars than anyone in the city. There’s got to be some value in that. But are they really necessary? It would be nice to purchase one of them just so you can feel superior and part of an exclusive millionaires club but to an average Joe, they seem too ridiculous for comprehension.

These new skyscrapers remind me of groundbreaking fashion trends, mainly because I don’t think I grasp the concept of those either. Sure that fashion look fairly nice (most of the time) but I’m not shelling out my near-minimum-wage salary for camelhair socks to match my camelhair watchstrap (you’re damn right that’s a real fabric.) I am man of practicality and simplicity. Then again, I’m not so sure I would be saying that if I were raking in a hefty six or seven figure salary. It’s all about relativity. But I am relatively sure that I will never be able to afford one of those apartments. I’m happy with a resting altitude that wont make my ears pop while I sleep.

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