Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
The Difference between a Gallery and an Exhibit

Helen Li

IDC 4001H-Prof. Maciuika

March 1, 2014

The Difference between a Gallery and an Exhibit

            The exhibition, “New York Restoration Project” in the NYC Center for Architecture does not provide visitors with an educational and serious, exhibit-type feel, instead, it offers a quiet and relaxing atmosphere that of a mini gallery. Lacking the open space museum feel, the Center for Architecture cleverly displays table-sized models that do not make the space overly crowded or spacious. Additionally, replacing large plaques containing “museum-like” historical information are printed canvases of photographs and drafts of future New York restoration sites.

            As for the content in the exhibit, the diagrams and models are overly simple and do not convey much detail, although that may be the initial point of focus. The photographs do not necessarily attract or intrigue me at first sight. but are nicely displayed and not overwhelming. Additionally, I find it more beneficial to have prior knowledge of the New York Restoration Project or have basic knowledge of architecture before visiting because the exhibit does not give excessive details or background information on the topic.

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