Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
Edge-ucational Enough For Me

I liked Constance Haydock’s lecture about landscape architecture really showed us her passion and love for landscaping and sustainable alternatives that she has used throughout her work, in the public and private sector.  It really correlated with The Center of Architecture’s “New York Restoration Project and the ‘Edge-ucation’ Pavilion”.  In the competition, groups were all trying to design Pavilions that were kid-friendly, interactive, sustainable and eco-friendly.  I liked the architectural plans and edited pictures that showed what the competitors would like the see the Pavilion transformed to.  Each was unique and detailed.

The exhibit brought the efforts to improve the seventeen years of hazardous dumping in the Harlem River Waterfront to my attention.  I’ve never heard of this initiative and it really made me interested to learn more about it.

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