Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
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Slender Buildings for Pudgy Wallets

Navtej S. Ahuja Professor Maciuika Shaping the Future of NYC 11 March 2014 The astounding work of architecture that is the Manhattan skyline has long been the standard for the wealthy. Respect is measured through, not the square footage or functionality behind a living space, but rather the specific location within the 34 square mile […]

Can They Sell It?

Navtej S. Ahuja Professor Maciuika Shaping the Future of NYC 4 March 2014             Sustainable development and restoration is the perfect solution to stop the urban monster from destroying the environment. However, in the city where money is God, when does the cost of a sustainable future outweigh the cost of short-term monetary success? Unfortunately, […]

An Influential Footnote

Navtej S. Ahuja Professor Maciuika Shaping the Future of NYC 4 March, 2014 Peter Stuyvesant is often remembered for one event; surrendering the island of Manhattan (known as New Netherland at the time) to the English. Often glossed over by those studying the history of what is now perhaps the greatest metropolis of the world, […]

Everyone Builds

Navtej S. Ahuja Professor Maciuika Shaping the Future of NYC 17 February, 2014 We build to fulfill a need, and that need is what can be seen through what we build. According to Sudjic, there are many reasons why people build. Whether it is to cement personal glory (as Saddam Hussein did during his years […]

A City Built by the World, for the World

Navtej S. Ahuja Professor Maciuika Shaping the Future of NYC 17 February, 2014   The rise of a city is a complex and lengthy process, and the interesting thing about this process is that it is never truly complete. Constant challenges regarding maintenance, changes in the demographic composition, and other areas keep those in charge […]

Show Me The Money

Navtej S. Ahuja IDC 4001H Professor Maciuika February 2, 2014   Show Me the Money             Economics has driven and will drive globalization. Because of this, those who enter new markets tend to focus less on the cultural differences between those they are interacting with and more on the possible monetary benefits they can attain. […]