Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
Author Archive
Alessandra’s Podcast
The Mysterious Van der Donck

Alessandra Rao IDC4001H Island at the Center of the World I’ll start with the most unsurprising things I learned. Throughout Chapter 5, it was mentioned several times that Manhattan was used as an important port for the West India Company. Given the fact that Manhattan is an island, it is only natural that its geographic […]

You Would think the Center for Architecture Would Have Decent Architecture

Alessandra Rao Prof. Maciuika 2/26/14 You would think the Center for Architecture would have decent architecture. Unfortunately, the Center for Architecture did not meet my expectations. I was disappointed by the small size of it, and the way it was curated made it very difficult to step back and have enough room to actually look […]

Neue York City: going back to the start

Alessandra Rao IDC4001H Tuesday 11:10 MTBH The Museum of the City of New York featured a 23 minute screening of a brief history of New York City. Three large screens in a dark room told the story of how the island of “Manhatta” was sold for only 24 coins, and handed over to the Dutch […]