Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
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Eddie’s Jams


Supermodel Skyscrapers

New York has a long history of big buildings and particularly skyscrapers. As it became one of the largest cities in the world, rapid urban growth posed a range of problems and challenges. The answer to this increased population density and demand for space came from new buildings that enabled the city to expand upward […]

Manhattan…Not Such a Novel Idea.

In The Island at the Center of the World, Russell Shorto discusses the ideas, beliefs, cultural forces, and people that made the Dutch colony of Manhattan. When thinking of New York City in its early stages, many people assume it was largely influenced and established by the English. Originally founded by Henry Hudson and the […]

The NYRP and Sustainability

In a city so consumed by development and innovation, the idea of sustainability is a novel but necessary concept. It is easy to choose profit over enduring designs that are beneficial to the environment but it is essential that this mindset is altered. In regards to the presentation/discussion by Ms. Haydock, she focused on landscape […]

Two Sides of The Edifice Complex

From the very beginning of this passage, the idea of duality is present and I believe it is pervasive throughout the rest of the piece. The title, The Edifice Complex, can be interpreted in a few ways. From an architectural standpoint, it can mean a large and imposing building or structure. Moreover, from a psychological […]

Life & Times-NYC

Timescapes, a media presentation digitally projected on three panoramic screens,  traces the growth of New York City using animated maps as well as historic photographs, paintings, and prints from the museum’s collection. It is narrated by actor Stanley Tucci and literally turns back the clock to display how the city has changed from a small […]

The Magnitude of Modernity

Edward Roscigno IDC 4001H Professor Maciuika 2/2/14 The state or quality of being modern is relative. It is relative to time, location, and past experiences. Despite the ambiguity of the term modern it is safe to say that no matter what the stipulations are, what is modern today will not be modern in the future. […]