Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
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Test Podcast

Test Podcast 2

A Tale of Inconceivable Absurdity

Imagine paying anywhere from $8,000 to $10,000 per square FOOT for your living space? I most certainly can’t but reflecting on this exhibition highlights the kind of wealth necessary to afford a living space in Manhattan. “A New Type of Skyscraper” illustrates the new “slender” buildings being built, and their ultimate goal to maximize profit. […]

Sustainability and Emotion

Visiting the Sherman Creek Park exhibition at the NYC Center for Architecture served as a perfect segue to Constance Haydock’s “Sustainable Sites Initiative” presentation. During her presentation, Haydock mentioned that the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation planted a number of little gardens along sidewalks throughout NYC. The gardens’ purpose was to create a sustainable […]

Imagine People Valued Human Life and Relations?

European arrogance and technology determined the future of Native Americans in the New World. American history paints a picture of the bravery of pioneers crossing the Atlantic Ocean, exploring foreign lands, and taming “barbaric peoples”. Somewhere in the midst of it all, we briefly acknowledge that we decimated and displaced these people. A couple of […]

Disappointing Activism

The Activist New York exhibition that I remember most vividly was the one regarding people protesting the construction of a mosque near Ground Zero. Photographs of men and women alike held up signs declaring that building a mosque was disgraceful, disrespectful, and heinous.  It makes me sad that people make generalizations of this degree. Just […]

Does Money Really Control Everything?

“Architecture is about power. The powerful build because that is what the powerful do.” Sudjic argues that power, dictates architecture around the world. He poses a provocative argument. At first glance, I found myself agreeing with everything he had to say. Sudjic is right about the things he says, but fails to acknowledge architecture as […]

The Only Constant in Life is Change, Duh

Jackelyne Diaz IDC 4001H – Professor Maciuika February 1, 2014   The Only Constant in Life is Change, Duh   No matter how advanced we may be in political ideologies, business models, or technology, we can always count on knowing with certainty that they will change at some point in the future. The Berman article […]