Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
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test   Joe Maugeri

Just Like Camelhair

Joseph Maugeri Let’s begin by looking at a simple relationship. Supply and Demand. If there is a demand for a certain item, it shall be supplied. Thus is the case with menial items such as basic clothing, shelter, and food. It is also the case with ornate items to satiate the wealthy. Luxury cars and […]

The Magistrate Forgotten

Joseph Maugeri IDC4001H Who is Adrien Van der Donck and why have I never heard of him? The story of this man is one of the most interesting things I’ve learned all week. He was a man that seemingly had it all in his Dutch Republic homeland. There were tolerant attitudes, clean and safe streets, […]

Turn that Brown, Upside Down.

Joseph Maugeri IDC4001H 3/2/14 There is now a plan to transform the depressing, neglected waterfront slice of land on the Harlem River back into a usable space for residents. Supposedly at one point, the land was used as a medium for residential water-sports and other recreational. But once the industrial revolution begun affecting the city, […]

Architecture: Killing Humility and Marrying Symbolism

Joseph Maugeri, IDC 4001H First, let’s take a look at the island of Manhattan. There are skyscrapers, luxurious apartment buildings, tenement buildings, restaurants etc. But obviously Manhattan wasn’t always like this, there used to be townhouses and buildings no more than 5 stories high. Why the change? Well I’m sure all of us know the […]

The Time Line of a Few Life Times

Joseph Maugeri, IDC4001H Timescapes at the Museum of the City of New York is a multimedia/multiscreen production that gives a brief history of one of the greatest cities. Spanning from Manhattan’s days as a simple farm land to what we know today. I think it is easy to criticize the video for not including everything […]

The Cage of Modernism

Joseph Maugeri, IDC 4001H – Prof. Maciuika, 2/4/14 Today with communication at an all time high, there is less room for error and divisions are apparent. In a shift to a modern era, change occurs but none are fundamental. Some take advantage of the shifts. For example, companies like Rocket Internet have utilized the increased […]