Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
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Luxury Bubble?

Around the world, there seems to be an on-going competition for “The Tallest Building in the World” title. Year after year, new buildings are planned and built to claim this title. For example, the Singer Tower was once the tallest building in 1908. However, the Metropolitan Life Insurance Tower quickly took this title away in […]

Knowledge Vs. Power

In history, England had portrayed itself as a nation that rapidly expanded its empire. During Queen Elizabeth’s reign, the nation had control of various colonies. However, in The Island at the Center of the World, Russell Shorto portrays England as a nation that was behind others. It wasn’t always a powerful nation with control over […]

Early Start

Sustainability has become a popular topic in recent years. In a city that’s rapidly growing, architectures and landscapers are searching for new ways to preserve the natural environment. Our lecturer, Constance Haydock discussed many examples of how newly constructed parks and open spaces aim to be sustainable and environment-friendly. Our visit to the Center for […]

Destruction and Restoration

October 29th, 2012 marks the day Hurricane Sandy and struck New York City. Multiply properties across the city were damaged and many lost their lives. The Rising Waters exhibition at Museum of the City of New York clearly depicts a timeline of events that happened during Hurricane Sandy. From the burst of water into residential […]

The Fabricated Reality

What we perceive is the reality that we know of. Oftentimes, architecture forms the way we see the world; each section is designed to cover or reveal something. On the flip side, the structure itself is a symbol, as Sudjic proposes in The Edifice Complex. He gives strong evidence as to the connection between meaning […]

A Step Forward and Back

For many years, people have progressed to improve their lives. The necessity for improvement and progression led to the invention of machines. It is what brought humanity into modernism, globalization, and finally the establishment of Rocket Internet. Although machines are able to help people with their everyday lives and certain labor-intensive jobs, they have also […]