Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
Author Archive
Fighting Storms and Whales for Nothing

The most surprising thing I learned from reading Russell Shorto’s “Island at the Center of the World” was that Henry Hudson attempted to sail across the “top of the world”, on a wooden boat with only 11 other people onboard and powered only by the wind, an excursion that Shorto comments is “pure madness” (p. […]

Architecture Cannot Contain Inherent Meaning

It is difficult to ascertain any inherent meaning from a building because objects do not contain inherent meaning. Objects only have meaning because humans assign meaning to them. The text you are reading right now are mere pixels of light illuminating from a screen; that is all it is. It is a human thing to […]

A Visit to the Museum of the City of New York
A Visit to the Museum of the City of New York

What I found most interesting about our visit to the Museum of the City of New York was the graffiti art. There has long been a debate over whether or not graffiti is art or vandalism; the MCNY clearly believes the former, since they host a variety of graffiti art on the first floor. One […]

Globalization, an Effect of Modernity: Will It Affect Your Job Search?

Globalization, an Effect of Modernity: Will It Affect Your Job Search All three of the articles “Rocket Machine”, “What is Globalization?”, and “Modernity – Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow” demonstrate or explain the consequence of modernity that is globalization. The latter article, which conveys what modernity is along with its implications, describes globalization as the process […]