Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
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Natan’s Test Podcast

Natan’s Test Podcast

A Neighborless New York?

Natan Wise From a purely aesthetic perspective, I’m a fan of the new direction that skyscraper design is going.  They’re stylish, sleek and scream modernism.  I don’t know much about the physics behind building skyscrapers, but I’d imagine they’re impeccably engineered as well.  They look like a gust of wind could topple them over, but […]

Leiden the Revolution

Natan Wise March 3rd, 2014 The standout figure of the selected chapters of Shorto’s Island at the Center of the World is undoubtedly Adriaen van der Donck.  As a young lawyer on the fast track to success in the Dutch Republic, van der Donck decided to accept a high post and come over to be a member of […]

Efficiency is our Societal Trait

Natan Wise March 3rd, 2014 It may just be my tendency to overanalyze and cross-relate, but I felt that Constace Haydock’s lecture and the subsequent trip to the Museum of Architecture perfectly captured the creative, let’s-convert-this-space-into-something-more-practical character trait latent in New Yorkers. Firstly, the lecture itself was wonderful.  Ms. Haydock showed a bunch of incredibly […]

Museum of the City of New York

The Timescapes presentation at the Museum of the City was fantastic.  It was the perfect 2014 visual presentation: old photographs, panoramic screens, 3D rendering.  Most importantly, it presented the history of the City in a way that a Wikipedia entry couldn’t.  My favorite part of the exhibit was the old photographs.  Seeing Union Square in […]

It’s Deeper Then Narcissism

Deyan Sudjic’s The Edifice Complex isn’t awful. It’s thoughtful, well researched and full of interesting examples.  It’s also overreaching, authoritative and prone to leaps in logic.  Sudjic wants to have the readers believe that he has come up with a fresh theory on why powerful people commission buildings: to stroke their egos and imprint their legacy’s […]

Society’s Been Globalized…Cool

Society’s Been Globalized…Cool Natan Wise IDC 4001H – Prof. Maciuika February 2nd, 2014              The running theme through these readings, aside from the mostly pretentiously writing and practically impertinent theories, is that our world has become increasingly globalized since the industrial revolution.  In What is Gloabalization? Beck writes that globalization […]