Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
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Pessia – Test
You Can’t Be Too Rich or Too Thin

Pessia Goldberg IDC 4001H – Prof. Maciuika 03/10/14 The latest trend in skyscraper development centers on making the new buildings taller and thinner than ever. This allows for more new construction as additional apartments are added to the tops of skyscrapers instead of to the packed city streets. While this definitely makes sense from an […]

Double Dutch: The Recreation of Amsterdam in America

Pessia Goldberg IDC 4001H – Prof. Maciuika 03/03/14 Whatever its flaws, New York has always been known as a bastion of personal and religious tolerance. But what I found most surprising so far in Russell Shorto’s The Island at the Center of the World is just how ingrained that sentiment is in America. Not only […]

Not All Grass is Green

Pessia Goldberg 03/03/14 While I found the Ms. Haydock’s speech to be quite fascinating, unfortunately I cannot say the same of the EDGEucation Pavilion exhibit. Ms. Haydock gave several interesting insights into how urban landscaping can be used to make the City safer, cleaner, and more beautiful. I especially enjoyed hearing about the different plants […]

Where Do We Go from Here?

There’s nothing I love more than a field trip, so I was very, very excited to Museum of the City of NY. I have to admit, I’m a pretty sorry excuse for a New Yorker, knowing next to nothing about the history of New York City. This short film gave a very enjoyable and succinct […]

Built by the Few, Shaped by the Many

Psychology, history, and art are all intertwined in Deyan Sudjic’s fascinating read: The Edifice Complex. Sudjic claims that architecture is used as a tool for the rich and powerful to mold the environment to comply with their worldview.  While I do agree that it only these few people have the means to hire architects to […]

Going Global to Make Money

Going Global to Make Money Pessia Goldberg IDC 4001H – Prof. Maciuika 02/02/14 Going Global to Make Money           One of the key unifying concepts from the three assigned readings is the increasing loss of community values in favor of selfish personal advancement. I happened to read The Economist article first, […]