Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
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Bringing Skinny Back

Rossella Failla New York City has been described as the mecca for skyscrapers. Any shape and size, you best believe we got it. However, when it comes to luxury architecture, NYC pays particular attention to slenderness. In the last couple of decades, the New York City skyline has gone skinny. These slender and lean high […]

Finding the Top of the World

Rossella Failla- Russell Shorto’s “The Island at the Center of the World,” offers a new prespective on the story of the Dutch colonization of Manhattan. The first settlers on the island were the Dutch, pioneered by Henry Hudson and the Dutch East India Company. What I found interesting were the motivations of the Manhattan settlers. […]

Planning Today For Tomorrow

Rossella Failla- Sustainable development has been a rising notion throughout the New York City area. The concept is meant to meet the needs of today’s society without compromising the needs of the future generations. Our guest speaker, Ms. Haydock, explained some aspects of sustainable development in New York City. She spoke of regional planning, which […]

Define Architecture

Rossella Failla While reading the article, The Edifice Complex, I couldn’t help but think, what is the meaning of architecture? Is there even a meaning? Sudjic explained that architecture can equate to power. He specifically referred to Saddam Hussein’s hunger for power in Iraq, and his constant obsession with reflecting himself in architecture. After his […]

Timescapes: The City of Modern Birth

Rossella Failla The twenty-two minute long film was able to capture the essence of New York throughout a time span of over 350 years. It captured the progress that New York City made through the years, in terms of industrializing and modernizing.  What I found particularly important was the priority that the film gave to […]

The Dialectic

Rossella Failla One of the common threads throughout the articles is change. Society changes throughout generations, changing many aspects of life. Berman presents the issues set by modernization as a paradox to today’s generations. He periodized modernity into three time periods, looking at how modernity changed aspects of society. Berman’s approach is to teach society […]