Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
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Eddie Sings Country Music

My Song 5

Skyscraper City

When I look at New York City, I see beautiful high-rise buildings painting the skyline. I stare in amazement at the tall, slender glass structures filling the streets of the city. I shamelessly admire the apartments with views that we all dream to see. These three features, among others, are what many modern day developers […]

Downing the Dutch

New York City is full of rich history. The development of this magnificent city is taught in all of our history classes. But sometimes, teachers leave out minute details or figures that played a role in shaping this one of a kind city. In “Island at the Center of the World,” Russell Shorto offers readers […]

Sustainable Spaces

           It’s not the same. Living in the city is a completely different world compared to living in an area where there are miles and miles of green grass surrounding you. When you live in the city it’s difficult to connect with nature. You aren’t able to appreciate it as much […]

Cent-sational Structures: Architectural Visions of the Rich and Powerful

Going to school in the one of the most renowned cities in the world, we are surrounded by one marvelous building after another. In his book, “The Edifice Complex,” Deyan Sudjic asserts “architecture is about power” and that the powerful construct buildings for the simple reason that they have the money to do so. Furthermore, […]

How NYC Came To Be

Have you ever walked around in the city and started wondering to yourself what the land that you’re walking on looked like 400 years ago?  You start asking yourself questions such as, “Were there wild animals aimlessly exploring the land for food and shelter? Did trees and shrubs blanket this land? Did the Indians have […]

Modernism Maelstrom

Richard Holbrooke once said, “As countries grapple with modernization, people who are left behind tend to hold firmer and firmer to their view of the evil of modernity.” Although this quote doesn’t fully pertain to every concept the readings have to offer, I think it does a great job describing the main idea each author […]