Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
Author Archive
Slender is Better?

Skyscrapers are a given in New York City, and it seems like a given that they are getting more and more slender.  We are running out of space and the only way to continue building and continue to pad the pocketbooks of developers/owners/architects  that are a major part of the building process.  A slender building […]

A Trading Post that Refused to Stay a Trading Post

Selina Lee IDC 4001H Professor Maciuika March 3, 2014 Shorto writes that New Netherland insisted on becoming a place, not just another one of the Dutch Empire’s trading posts.  It was so exotic and unique that none of employees that headed New Netherland truly understood it.  It’s interesting to read about New York City before […]

Edge-ucational Enough For Me

I liked Constance Haydock’s lecture about landscape architecture really showed us her passion and love for landscaping and sustainable alternatives that she has used throughout her work, in the public and private sector.  It really correlated with The Center of Architecture’s “New York Restoration Project and the ‘Edge-ucation’ Pavilion”.  In the competition, groups were all […]

Symbolism or Pragmatism?

In the Edifice Complex, Sudjit explains that “architecture is a means to tell a story about those who built it.”  Stories that express capability, decisiveness, seduction, imitation, celebration, and ideologies of the architects, the countries and the patrons.  While he sounds believable (especially because of his passion in looking for the symbolism and the whys […]

Our Own Gravediggers

Selina Lee IDC 4001H Professor Maciuika February 2, 2014 The readings address the causes, effects, relationships and other factors of modernization, Berman, and globalization, Beck.  In the beginning of All That is Solid Melts Into Air, Berman says that: “Modernality can be said to unite all mankind.”  Both What is Globolization? and Rocket Machine: How […]