Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
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Anorexia or New Outlook of Beauty?

Manhattan architectural buildings are turning more into slender and tall buildings. It is a new trend. Demand for slender and tall real estates are increasing amid the wealthy individuals who are willing to spend extraordinary amount for a structure that is built with stronger material, sky-high structure, and modern design than ever before. But who […]

The Story of the Second Place: Forgotten

To be marked as a history, one must always be the first, best, and the finest that are triumphed not for his or her procedures but the victorious outcome itself. However, Russell Shorto in his writing overturns this stereotypical perspective of context of what history should be. He overthrows the concept of history as a […]

Wizards that turn hazards into Pizzazz

Our visit to the Center of Architecture was a great synopsis of our guest professors’ brief lecture of beauty of landscape architecture and its sustainable methods to our environment. The Edgeucation Pavillion Design competition of a small, 15 acre, park between 163rd street-201st street is a great practice of the principles of SITES as their […]

Story of New York: Not New Yorkers

The Museum of the City of New York had some great exhibitions of graffiti arts and photography of aftermath of Sandy. It was pleasant to see the City museum acknowledging graffiti as one of the categories of art rather than vandalism. However, the twenty-five minutes length media film that summarized the history of New York […]

The Grand Emissary

The idea of everlasting infrastructure presenting the perfect balance of modernism and symbolism of superior authority, civil culture, and wealth being named after self is a fascinating imagination. What else can such achievers of wealth and victorious conquerors of warfare do to convey their pride and affluence? Obtaining grandeur monuments emphasizes much stronger impressions on […]

Juxtaposition: Modernization

The three articles address the issues of our current society –rigorously individualistic, competitive and capitalistic –and suggest there must be more optimal way in management whether it is in global, transnational, or corporate scale. The three articles share a common concept of human economic and social development leading to tragedy rather than advancement. Our capitalistic […]