Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
Slender yet Daunting

Derick Liu It’s true that many of the new buildings are beautiful in their slender shape and form. to be honest, I often walk through the streets like a tourist, just staring up at the beauty of the buildings. However, I enjoy looking at the sky even more. Sure, the buildings seem beautiful and save […]

Developmental Psychology in Shorto

Derick Liu 3/4/14 As a Psychology major, the most interesting and surprising section of the reading has to be the short anecdote regarding the Dutch children found at the start of chapter five. It mentions the differences between children of Dutch heritage and the children of Puritan society. Usually, when I hear the term Puritan, […]

Finding the Top of the World

Rossella Failla- Russell Shorto’s “The Island at the Center of the World,” offers a new prespective on the story of the Dutch colonization of Manhattan. The first settlers on the island were the Dutch, pioneered by Henry Hudson and the Dutch East India Company. What I found interesting were the motivations of the Manhattan settlers. […]

Planning Today For Tomorrow

Rossella Failla- Sustainable development has been a rising notion throughout the New York City area. The concept is meant to meet the needs of today’s society without compromising the needs of the future generations. Our guest speaker, Ms. Haydock, explained some aspects of sustainable development in New York City. She spoke of regional planning, which […]

12,000 Diamonds in the Rough

Jenna Hosier Maciuika IDC 4001H March 2nd 2014 Thousands of pages of historical records being thrown out of windows, lying amidst the rubble of fires, tattered and stained throughout hundreds of years, finally surface and become translated. This is without a doubt the most revealing new information and the driving purpose of Russell Shorto’s history […]

“Green the Ghetto!”
"Green the Ghetto!"

  I borrowed the phrase for my title from an environmental equality visionary named Majora Carter. Although I was not in class last Tuesday, reading through my fellow students reviews on the New York Restoration Project exhibit and the discussion from guest speaker Constance Haydock, I felt that if the exhibit and the speaker’s missions were to be […]

Sustainability and Emotion

Visiting the Sherman Creek Park exhibition at the NYC Center for Architecture served as a perfect segue to Constance Haydock’s “Sustainable Sites Initiative” presentation. During her presentation, Haydock mentioned that the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation planted a number of little gardens along sidewalks throughout NYC. The gardens’ purpose was to create a sustainable […]

Imagine People Valued Human Life and Relations?

European arrogance and technology determined the future of Native Americans in the New World. American history paints a picture of the bravery of pioneers crossing the Atlantic Ocean, exploring foreign lands, and taming “barbaric peoples”. Somewhere in the midst of it all, we briefly acknowledge that we decimated and displaced these people. A couple of […]

Sudjic’s Power Complex

Jenna Hosier / IDC 4001H Maciuika / February 17, 2014             Sudjic offers every possible answer to the main question of Chapter 1: “Why We Build”. Emotional and psychological purposes, ideological and practical reasons, to project power, and to give shape and form to political and religious impulses, all are the culprits in why buildings are structured. […]

Timescapes: True to its Purpose

Like many of my peers, I found some faults in Timescapes at the Museum of the City of New York. As I pulled back the curtain to the mini-theater on the 2nd floor of the museum, I found that the size of the room compared to the screens was problematic. Luckily, I found myself seated […]

Neue York City: going back to the start

Alessandra Rao IDC4001H Tuesday 11:10 MTBH The Museum of the City of New York featured a 23 minute screening of a brief history of New York City. Three large screens in a dark room told the story of how the island of “Manhatta” was sold for only 24 coins, and handed over to the Dutch […]

Timescapes, a Prerecorded Lecture

Derick Liu IDC4001H MTBH If I were to judge Timescapes as a film, I wouldn’t be able to give it a passing grade. Don’t get me wrong, the information presented in the short is very interesting and eye-opening. The problem is how it was presented. The first, most obvious problem is in regards to the three […]

Meaning is in the Eye of the Beholder

Derick Liu IDC 4001H MTBH Deyan Sudjic seems to be claiming that all architecture holds a deeper social meaning, that every building we see is a product of the ego rubbing of the politically powerful, and influences the public’s perceptions. I can’t fully agree with Sudjic on this complex. Not all structures are built by […]

The Environment of Global Community, a Question of Cost vs. Benefit

Each paper has a different topic; they discuss ideas of modernity and globalization, which aren’t too obviously connected. However, the two notions both discuss community on a global scale and how it influences our lives. Questions regarding the benevolence of this community are raised. As such, it seems appropriate to link them as arguments of […]

Example Assignment

Example Document [this has been pasted from the uploaded doc] Test Document for Assignment Uploading This is your first paragraph. You should copy all this text and paste it in the post, so that we can both download your assignment and read it on the course site. Note: For instructions on how to post your […]

Assignment Posting Guidelines
Assignment Posting Guidelines

Hi Everyone! This is a sample post for how to upload and post your assignments for the course. Sorry for the rocky start–I had to tweak the user capabilities, but as of today you should be able to do the following: 1. In the dashboard, under posts, select “add new.”  2. In this new post, […]