Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
Skyscraper Museum
Steel-constructed shade for an entire city

Stephen Elliott IDC 4001H March 11 2014 I stand motionless at the median, subsumed by a shadow colossal. Under the cooling gaze of steel girders; the brash indifference of rusting rivets, I feel infinitesimally meaningless. Insignificant. I am but a flake of oxidation cast from the highest point of the empire state. Each day I […]

Buildings Want to be Skinny Too

New York City is almost synonymous to the tall skyscrapers towering over humans and gently grazing the blue sky. During the era of the Empire State Building, architects and construction builders were obsessed with the idea of building up and building tall. When the Empire State Building was finished in 1931, it stood for 40 […]

Supermodel Skyscrapers

New York has a long history of big buildings and particularly skyscrapers. As it became one of the largest cities in the world, rapid urban growth posed a range of problems and challenges. The answer to this increased population density and demand for space came from new buildings that enabled the city to expand upward […]

You Can’t Be Too Rich or Too Thin

Pessia Goldberg IDC 4001H – Prof. Maciuika 03/10/14 The latest trend in skyscraper development centers on making the new buildings taller and thinner than ever. This allows for more new construction as additional apartments are added to the tops of skyscrapers instead of to the packed city streets. While this definitely makes sense from an […]

Just Like Camelhair

Joseph Maugeri Let’s begin by looking at a simple relationship. Supply and Demand. If there is a demand for a certain item, it shall be supplied. Thus is the case with menial items such as basic clothing, shelter, and food. It is also the case with ornate items to satiate the wealthy. Luxury cars and […]

Slender is Better?

Skyscrapers are a given in New York City, and it seems like a given that they are getting more and more slender.  We are running out of space and the only way to continue building and continue to pad the pocketbooks of developers/owners/architects  that are a major part of the building process.  A slender building […]

1,000 ft Above the Streets & $11,950/ sqft Beyond Reach

Moving photographs of families in matching Polo button-down, abstract post-modern sculptures painted in rust orange and caramel frappuccino beige, and sleek bookshelves with encyclopedias and New York Time’s best sellers line the glass walls. Yorkies bark at the housekeepers, who are ironing personally deigned suits and dresses that will likely not be warn again. The […]

Luxury Bubble?

Around the world, there seems to be an on-going competition for “The Tallest Building in the World” title. Year after year, new buildings are planned and built to claim this title. For example, the Singer Tower was once the tallest building in 1908. However, the Metropolitan Life Insurance Tower quickly took this title away in […]

Bringing Skinny Back

Rossella Failla New York City has been described as the mecca for skyscrapers. Any shape and size, you best believe we got it. However, when it comes to luxury architecture, NYC pays particular attention to slenderness. In the last couple of decades, the New York City skyline has gone skinny. These slender and lean high […]

Slender Buildings for Pudgy Wallets

Navtej S. Ahuja Professor Maciuika Shaping the Future of NYC 11 March 2014 The astounding work of architecture that is the Manhattan skyline has long been the standard for the wealthy. Respect is measured through, not the square footage or functionality behind a living space, but rather the specific location within the 34 square mile […]

Skyscraper City

When I look at New York City, I see beautiful high-rise buildings painting the skyline. I stare in amazement at the tall, slender glass structures filling the streets of the city. I shamelessly admire the apartments with views that we all dream to see. These three features, among others, are what many modern day developers […]

A Neighborless New York?

Natan Wise From a purely aesthetic perspective, I’m a fan of the new direction that skyscraper design is going.  They’re stylish, sleek and scream modernism.  I don’t know much about the physics behind building skyscrapers, but I’d imagine they’re impeccably engineered as well.  They look like a gust of wind could topple them over, but […]

Slender yet Daunting

Derick Liu It’s true that many of the new buildings are beautiful in their slender shape and form. to be honest, I often walk through the streets like a tourist, just staring up at the beauty of the buildings. However, I enjoy looking at the sky even more. Sure, the buildings seem beautiful and save […]

Anorexia or New Outlook of Beauty?

Manhattan architectural buildings are turning more into slender and tall buildings. It is a new trend. Demand for slender and tall real estates are increasing amid the wealthy individuals who are willing to spend extraordinary amount for a structure that is built with stronger material, sky-high structure, and modern design than ever before. But who […]

How High Should We Go?

Helen Li IDC 4001H Professor Maciuika How High Should We Go?             According to many people, the higher you live, the wealthier you are. It is quite funny to think that centuries ago, size determines status, but now, height is the representation of your stature. You can probably list dozens of movies in which the […]

A Tale of Inconceivable Absurdity

Imagine paying anywhere from $8,000 to $10,000 per square FOOT for your living space? I most certainly can’t but reflecting on this exhibition highlights the kind of wealth necessary to afford a living space in Manhattan. “A New Type of Skyscraper” illustrates the new “slender” buildings being built, and their ultimate goal to maximize profit. […]