Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
The Edifice Complex
The View From Trump Tower Penthouse

Architecture tells a story of the elite. The skyscrapers in New York allude to flourishing business and trade. Versailles’ absurd grandeur indicates superfluous resources and wealth. A postmodern mosque in Iraq signifies the strength and power of a ruler. In the “Edifice Complex” Sudjic highlights the power of architecture: the immense power of the destruction […]

Two Sides of The Edifice Complex

From the very beginning of this passage, the idea of duality is present and I believe it is pervasive throughout the rest of the piece. The title, The Edifice Complex, can be interpreted in a few ways. From an architectural standpoint, it can mean a large and imposing building or structure. Moreover, from a psychological […]

Sudjic’s Power Complex

Jenna Hosier / IDC 4001H Maciuika / February 17, 2014             Sudjic offers every possible answer to the main question of Chapter 1: “Why We Build”. Emotional and psychological purposes, ideological and practical reasons, to project power, and to give shape and form to political and religious impulses, all are the culprits in why buildings are structured. […]

Everyone Builds

Navtej S. Ahuja Professor Maciuika Shaping the Future of NYC 17 February, 2014 We build to fulfill a need, and that need is what can be seen through what we build. According to Sudjic, there are many reasons why people build. Whether it is to cement personal glory (as Saddam Hussein did during his years […]

Designing Eminence

From what was once mere shelter, architecture has shifted towards a display of one’s hierarchical standings. Throughout history, the victors tore down buildings and structures of the past to create ones that would praise and honor themselves. By using their wealth and power, history and culture are weaved into existence by the architects whom are […]

Built by the Few, Shaped by the Many

Psychology, history, and art are all intertwined in Deyan Sudjic’s fascinating read: The Edifice Complex. Sudjic claims that architecture is used as a tool for the rich and powerful to mold the environment to comply with their worldview.  While I do agree that it only these few people have the means to hire architects to […]

Cent-sational Structures: Architectural Visions of the Rich and Powerful

Going to school in the one of the most renowned cities in the world, we are surrounded by one marvelous building after another. In his book, “The Edifice Complex,” Deyan Sudjic asserts “architecture is about power” and that the powerful construct buildings for the simple reason that they have the money to do so. Furthermore, […]

Meaning is in the Eye of the Beholder

Derick Liu IDC 4001H MTBH Deyan Sudjic seems to be claiming that all architecture holds a deeper social meaning, that every building we see is a product of the ego rubbing of the politically powerful, and influences the public’s perceptions. I can’t fully agree with Sudjic on this complex. Not all structures are built by […]

Does Money Really Control Everything?

“Architecture is about power. The powerful build because that is what the powerful do.” Sudjic argues that power, dictates architecture around the world. He poses a provocative argument. At first glance, I found myself agreeing with everything he had to say. Sudjic is right about the things he says, but fails to acknowledge architecture as […]

The Grand Emissary

The idea of everlasting infrastructure presenting the perfect balance of modernism and symbolism of superior authority, civil culture, and wealth being named after self is a fascinating imagination. What else can such achievers of wealth and victorious conquerors of warfare do to convey their pride and affluence? Obtaining grandeur monuments emphasizes much stronger impressions on […]

What, Where, When, How, and Why?

Helen Li IDC 4001H-Prof. Maciuika February 15, 2014 Originally buildings served as a shelter or haven, but as horticultural societies developed, architecture is commonly associated with economic, social, and political values. And, behind every standing or demolished building, is a meaningful story. The meaning of a building is projected through the time period and location […]