Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
Pessia – Test
Podcast Test
Test Podcast

Test Podcast 2

Test Podcast: Gold on the Ceiling

test podcast IDC

Sanding the edges of Edgeucation

Stephen Elliott IDC 4001H Sustainable development has long been an abstruse, esoteric concept that has less cohesion than the mud in Sherman Creek. It is a relatively new field of interdisciplinary studies involving principles of economics, an understanding of sociology, theories of urban planning, and a hefty dose of idealism to tie it all together. […]

“Green the Ghetto!”
"Green the Ghetto!"

  I borrowed the phrase for my title from an environmental equality visionary named Majora Carter. Although I was not in class last Tuesday, reading through my fellow students reviews on the New York Restoration Project exhibit and the discussion from guest speaker Constance Haydock, I felt that if the exhibit and the speaker’s missions were to be […]

Where Do We Go from Here?

There’s nothing I love more than a field trip, so I was very, very excited to Museum of the City of NY. I have to admit, I’m a pretty sorry excuse for a New Yorker, knowing next to nothing about the history of New York City. This short film gave a very enjoyable and succinct […]

New York City Timescapes: Touching, tepid; too much

Stephen Elliott IDC 4001H To paraphrase someone much smarter than me, history without context is just a story. It’s easy to crawl through the alcoves and alleyways of New York without giving a moment’s breath to the past you step on. Each cobble, each brick has centuries of stories to tell, and yet we hardly […]

Timescapes, a Prerecorded Lecture

Derick Liu IDC4001H MTBH If I were to judge Timescapes as a film, I wouldn’t be able to give it a passing grade. Don’t get me wrong, the information presented in the short is very interesting and eye-opening. The problem is how it was presented. The first, most obvious problem is in regards to the three […]

Timescapes: 390 Years in 22 Minutes

Timescapes is a concise twenty-two minute film that condenses the history of New York since its founding in 1624. This is an interesting documentary that includes detailed information supported with maps and rare, old photographs of New York.The short film highlights important aspects in the evolution of New York that may be inspirational and touching […]

Welcome to Macaulay Seminar 4!

Welcome to Macaulay Seminar 4: Planning the Future of New York City! I’m Gwen, your ITF! Over the course of the semester, I’ll be in class with you, around Macaulay Central for events, and available to answer any questions you might have about your laptop or otherwise. You can reach me at I look […]