Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
Cent-sational Structures: Architectural Visions of the Rich and Powerful

Going to school in the one of the most renowned cities in the world, we are surrounded by one marvelous building after another. In his book, “The Edifice Complex,” Deyan Sudjic asserts “architecture is about power” and that the powerful construct buildings for the simple reason that they have the money to do so. Furthermore, […]

Timescapes: True to its Purpose

Like many of my peers, I found some faults in Timescapes at the Museum of the City of New York. As I pulled back the curtain to the mini-theater on the 2nd floor of the museum, I found that the size of the room compared to the screens was problematic. Luckily, I found myself seated […]

Timescapes: The City of Modern Birth

Rossella Failla The twenty-two minute long film was able to capture the essence of New York throughout a time span of over 350 years. It captured the progress that New York City made through the years, in terms of industrializing and modernizing.  What I found particularly important was the priority that the film gave to […]

Neue York City: going back to the start

Alessandra Rao IDC4001H Tuesday 11:10 MTBH The Museum of the City of New York featured a 23 minute screening of a brief history of New York City. Three large screens in a dark room told the story of how the island of “Manhatta” was sold for only 24 coins, and handed over to the Dutch […]

Timescapes, a Prerecorded Lecture

Derick Liu IDC4001H MTBH If I were to judge Timescapes as a film, I wouldn’t be able to give it a passing grade. Don’t get me wrong, the information presented in the short is very interesting and eye-opening. The problem is how it was presented. The first, most obvious problem is in regards to the three […]

The Time Line of a Few Life Times

Joseph Maugeri, IDC4001H Timescapes at the Museum of the City of New York is a multimedia/multiscreen production that gives a brief history of one of the greatest cities. Spanning from Manhattan’s days as a simple farm land to what we know today. I think it is easy to criticize the video for not including everything […]

Meaning is in the Eye of the Beholder

Derick Liu IDC 4001H MTBH Deyan Sudjic seems to be claiming that all architecture holds a deeper social meaning, that every building we see is a product of the ego rubbing of the politically powerful, and influences the public’s perceptions. I can’t fully agree with Sudjic on this complex. Not all structures are built by […]

Building a Meaning

In The Edifice Complex, Deyan Sudjic argues that architects are often employed by people with power to create and design buildings and complexes that seem to exert a certain message of power. Sudjic argues that architects and the rich and powerful who have the resources to employ these architects almost have an ulterior motive when […]

An Impossible Task

Twenty-two minutes to capture New York City’s rich history into one video is a daunting task for anyone to partake. The Timescapes exhibition at the Museum of the City of New York attempts to do so by telling a narrative of the history of New York and incorporating various forms of media into one video […]

Timescapes: 390 Years in 22 Minutes

Timescapes is a concise twenty-two minute film that condenses the history of New York since its founding in 1624. This is an interesting documentary that includes detailed information supported with maps and rare, old photographs of New York.The short film highlights important aspects in the evolution of New York that may be inspirational and touching […]