Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
Globalization, an Effect of Modernity: Will It Affect Your Job Search?

Globalization, an Effect of Modernity: Will It Affect Your Job Search All three of the articles “Rocket Machine”, “What is Globalization?”, and “Modernity – Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow” demonstrate or explain the consequence of modernity that is globalization. The latter article, which conveys what modernity is along with its implications, describes globalization as the process […]

Romanticizing the Fall of Rome

Stephen Elliott IDC Blog Post 1 What Marx said of Modernism, as “showing signs of decay far surpassing the horrors of the latter times of the Roman Empire”, is the common yet woefully frayed thread between Beck and Berman. In both pieces there is an inherent assumption that the modern world is a “maelstrom” which […]

The Only Constant in Life is Change, Duh

Jackelyne Diaz IDC 4001H – Professor Maciuika February 1, 2014   The Only Constant in Life is Change, Duh   No matter how advanced we may be in political ideologies, business models, or technology, we can always count on knowing with certainty that they will change at some point in the future. The Berman article […]

Our Own Gravediggers

Selina Lee IDC 4001H Professor Maciuika February 2, 2014 The readings address the causes, effects, relationships and other factors of modernization, Berman, and globalization, Beck.  In the beginning of All That is Solid Melts Into Air, Berman says that: “Modernality can be said to unite all mankind.”  Both What is Globolization? and Rocket Machine: How […]

The Illusion of Advancement

The Illusion of Advancement With the newfound discoveries in science and innovations in technology, the world progressively shrinks and people become more interconnected and intertwined. With time and space between countries and people across the globe shortening, ideas, knowledge, and culture are spread faster and faster. Improvements, advancements, and progress can be seen jumping from […]

The Environment of Global Community, a Question of Cost vs. Benefit

Each paper has a different topic; they discuss ideas of modernity and globalization, which aren’t too obviously connected. However, the two notions both discuss community on a global scale and how it influences our lives. Questions regarding the benevolence of this community are raised. As such, it seems appropriate to link them as arguments of […]

The Decay of Mankind

Konstantin Dukhovnyy, IDC 4001H – Prof. Maciuika, 1/29/14 The ideals of Rousseau, Marx, and Paz have been lost in today’s age of so-called “efficiency.” Each of the three pieces describes how modernism has corrupted society and the individual. Corporations don’t care about ethics, governments aren’t looking to change society for the better, and individuals are lost in […]

Modernism Maelstrom

Richard Holbrooke once said, “As countries grapple with modernization, people who are left behind tend to hold firmer and firmer to their view of the evil of modernity.” Although this quote doesn’t fully pertain to every concept the readings have to offer, I think it does a great job describing the main idea each author […]

Globalization—Having the Same Desires all around the Globe

<![endif]–> Helen Li IDC 4001H-Prof. Maciuika February 2, 2014   Globalization—Having the Same Desires all around the Globe   ​            Modernization and globalization are both the causes and effects of economic expansion. Entrepreneurs, or the bourgeoisie as Karl Marx refers to them, are underlying activists that created the modernized world we have today. In order […]

Nothing’s Really Changed

The rise of technology has made our lives easier. Thanks to technology, we are no longer limited to people and places by proximity. Technology has allowed us to communicate and interact with people halfway across the globe and has also allowed us to travel to places beyond this world. People travel farther to work, companies […]