Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
Eddie’s Jams


Alessandra’s Podcast
Steve is strange

Podcast test


Test IDC

Test Podcast Upload

IDC Demo Podcast

Test Podcast: Gold on the Ceiling

test podcast IDC


Basically, a podcast is a series of audio recordings that are broadcast on the web. After recording an episode and exporting it to your hard drive as an mp3 or m4a file, you can then upload it on to the class blog or your own blog using podpress. Here are some general instructions I found on using garageband from […]

Steel-constructed shade for an entire city

Stephen Elliott IDC 4001H March 11 2014 I stand motionless at the median, subsumed by a shadow colossal. Under the cooling gaze of steel girders; the brash indifference of rusting rivets, I feel infinitesimally meaningless. Insignificant. I am but a flake of oxidation cast from the highest point of the empire state. Each day I […]

Buildings Want to be Skinny Too

New York City is almost synonymous to the tall skyscrapers towering over humans and gently grazing the blue sky. During the era of the Empire State Building, architects and construction builders were obsessed with the idea of building up and building tall. When the Empire State Building was finished in 1931, it stood for 40 […]

Supermodel Skyscrapers

New York has a long history of big buildings and particularly skyscrapers. As it became one of the largest cities in the world, rapid urban growth posed a range of problems and challenges. The answer to this increased population density and demand for space came from new buildings that enabled the city to expand upward […]