Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
The Magistrate Forgotten

Joseph Maugeri IDC4001H Who is Adrien Van der Donck and why have I never heard of him? The story of this man is one of the most interesting things I’ve learned all week. He was a man that seemingly had it all in his Dutch Republic homeland. There were tolerant attitudes, clean and safe streets, […]

Planning Today For Tomorrow

Rossella Failla- Sustainable development has been a rising notion throughout the New York City area. The concept is meant to meet the needs of today’s society without compromising the needs of the future generations. Our guest speaker, Ms. Haydock, explained some aspects of sustainable development in New York City. She spoke of regional planning, which […]

The Wolves of the New World

Konstantin Dukhovnyy, IDC 4001H – Prof. Maciuika, 3/3/14 New Amsterdam, New York, New World, yet nothing new in the greed of the few. One of the most surprising yet understandable events that Russell Shorto’s Island at the Center of the World highlighted was how the settlement of New Amsterdam was taken by England and renamed New […]

Can They Sell It?

Navtej S. Ahuja Professor Maciuika Shaping the Future of NYC 4 March 2014             Sustainable development and restoration is the perfect solution to stop the urban monster from destroying the environment. However, in the city where money is God, when does the cost of a sustainable future outweigh the cost of short-term monetary success? Unfortunately, […]

An Influential Footnote

Navtej S. Ahuja Professor Maciuika Shaping the Future of NYC 4 March, 2014 Peter Stuyvesant is often remembered for one event; surrendering the island of Manhattan (known as New Netherland at the time) to the English. Often glossed over by those studying the history of what is now perhaps the greatest metropolis of the world, […]

The Story of the Second Place: Forgotten

To be marked as a history, one must always be the first, best, and the finest that are triumphed not for his or her procedures but the victorious outcome itself. However, Russell Shorto in his writing overturns this stereotypical perspective of context of what history should be. He overthrows the concept of history as a […]

Lean, Clean, and Green: Just How I Like My New Backyard

Konstantin Dukhovnyy, IDC 4001H – Prof. Maciuika, 3/3/14 The evolution of sustainability in today’s society has led to a better understanding of the world we live in and the ground we walk on. As the “New York Restoration Project and ‘Edge-ucation’ Pavillion” showed us, more emphasis is being put on creating a sustainable landscape and public space, […]

The Power of Monopolies over Government

Helen Li IDC4001H The Power of Monopolies over Government In modern society, setting up a business is easy. One just needs a sponsor who can provide funding. The hardest part is to find this sponsor or multiple sponsors who are interested. Most, if not all, sponsorships today are long term economic investments and funding usually […]

Sustainable Spaces

           It’s not the same. Living in the city is a completely different world compared to living in an area where there are miles and miles of green grass surrounding you. When you live in the city it’s difficult to connect with nature. You aren’t able to appreciate it as much […]

12,000 Diamonds in the Rough

Jenna Hosier Maciuika IDC 4001H March 2nd 2014 Thousands of pages of historical records being thrown out of windows, lying amidst the rubble of fires, tattered and stained throughout hundreds of years, finally surface and become translated. This is without a doubt the most revealing new information and the driving purpose of Russell Shorto’s history […]