Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
Wizards that turn hazards into Pizzazz

Our visit to the Center of Architecture was a great synopsis of our guest professors’ brief lecture of beauty of landscape architecture and its sustainable methods to our environment. The Edgeucation Pavillion Design competition of a small, 15 acre, park between 163rd street-201st street is a great practice of the principles of SITES as their […]

You Would think the Center for Architecture Would Have Decent Architecture

Alessandra Rao Prof. Maciuika 2/26/14 You would think the Center for Architecture would have decent architecture. Unfortunately, the Center for Architecture did not meet my expectations. I was disappointed by the small size of it, and the way it was curated made it very difficult to step back and have enough room to actually look […]

Museum of the City of New York

The Timescapes presentation at the Museum of the City was fantastic.  It was the perfect 2014 visual presentation: old photographs, panoramic screens, 3D rendering.  Most importantly, it presented the history of the City in a way that a Wikipedia entry couldn’t.  My favorite part of the exhibit was the old photographs.  Seeing Union Square in […]

It’s Deeper Then Narcissism

Deyan Sudjic’s The Edifice Complex isn’t awful. It’s thoughtful, well researched and full of interesting examples.  It’s also overreaching, authoritative and prone to leaps in logic.  Sudjic wants to have the readers believe that he has come up with a fresh theory on why powerful people commission buildings: to stroke their egos and imprint their legacy’s […]

Destruction and Restoration

October 29th, 2012 marks the day Hurricane Sandy and struck New York City. Multiply properties across the city were damaged and many lost their lives. The Rising Waters exhibition at Museum of the City of New York clearly depicts a timeline of events that happened during Hurricane Sandy. From the burst of water into residential […]

The Fabricated Reality

What we perceive is the reality that we know of. Oftentimes, architecture forms the way we see the world; each section is designed to cover or reveal something. On the flip side, the structure itself is a symbol, as Sudjic proposes in The Edifice Complex. He gives strong evidence as to the connection between meaning […]

The View From Trump Tower Penthouse

Architecture tells a story of the elite. The skyscrapers in New York allude to flourishing business and trade. Versailles’ absurd grandeur indicates superfluous resources and wealth. A postmodern mosque in Iraq signifies the strength and power of a ruler. In the “Edifice Complex” Sudjic highlights the power of architecture: the immense power of the destruction […]

Two Sides of The Edifice Complex

From the very beginning of this passage, the idea of duality is present and I believe it is pervasive throughout the rest of the piece. The title, The Edifice Complex, can be interpreted in a few ways. From an architectural standpoint, it can mean a large and imposing building or structure. Moreover, from a psychological […]

A Call for Peopling of Timescapes

The Timescapes video at the Museum of the City of New York was a very dynamic and informative presentation of New York City history. The fast moving, varying images on each of the three panels successfully represented the rapid and changing development of New York City over the last few hundred years. While the video […]

Life & Times-NYC

Timescapes, a media presentation digitally projected on three panoramic screens,  traces the growth of New York City using animated maps as well as historic photographs, paintings, and prints from the museum’s collection. It is narrated by actor Stanley Tucci and literally turns back the clock to display how the city has changed from a small […]