Jun 10 2010


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Sooooo, I literally have about 15 hours to my flight to Argentina and I cannot be more excited!

Sleep? Who needs sleep now when you can sleep on the plane? I am too excited and have been for the past two months! I just hope my expectations of South America are met, if not exceeded. My expectations of friendly people, colorful towns, and delicious food has pulled me through the last few weeks of this semester and when i dreaded studying the most, I told myself it is the only way to fully and peacefully enjoy The Silver Sea!

Yes, I have finished packing but only at the last minute, and i bet my friends are thinking “as usual.” But, for some reason, I’m not worried and I can only have good thoughts about my winter away.

I will miss my family of course, my mom, my sister, my aunt, and boyfriend, but hey I am the first, of the travelers in my family, to step into Argentina and it will surely be an adventure. I am going with my friends and I couldn’t ask for more.

So keep reading, meet some South Americans, enjoy the food, and follow me – an Argentindian!

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Sleep?”

  1.   Arlene Amadoron 26 Dec 2010 at 1:18 AM     1

    Bheta! I am so excited for all of you! I wish all the best…think of me!!! <3

  2.   Jayaon 26 Dec 2010 at 3:29 PM     2

    “As usual” (Yes, thats exactly what we were thinking)
    Take lots of pictures in Buenos Aires!!!!!

  3.   Sital Doddion 27 Dec 2010 at 7:06 PM     3

    You’re the first one there!! Take pictures in buenos aires to help me keep warm, its freeeeeezing here lol 🙂

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