Dec 28 2010

Good Air Indeed

Filed under Learning

Well, can someone say hectic??? Of all the days it had to snow, actually, blizzard, it had to be the day we left for our trip. I feel incredibly bad for those people, some who are my friends, who couldn’t make it to their flight. For some odd reason, my flight did proceed and I got on the plane unwillingly, due to fear of turbulence, only to arrive in a new city i worked so hard for.

This is not to rub it in and say “na na na boo boo.. I’m here and you’re not” but rather a way for you all to vicariously live through me until you arrive at the EZE airport. The weather is perfect. Yea we sweat a lot, but not one person is seen with multiple layers and/or scarfes hiding their beautiful South American faces.

So far, I’ve met really cool people in the program and while some know more about this place than others, we learn from each other and have the best of conversations in the most wonderful cafes. I had an incredible sandwich today and the cheese and cold cuts were fresh and delicious.The girl who served us, who has no idea she’s in my blog, was also from New York and stayed back in Argentina after her study abroad trip and has adopted a life for her much different from her life as a student at Columbia. She enjoys the food and atmosphere and her confidence in her decision to stay only made the place more intriguing and worth exploring.

We walked around the area known as “Palermo” and not only is “Soho” part of the vicinity’s name, it mirrors NYC’s downtown SoHo. The stores, the fashion, the people, the cost (eeek) was exactly like SoHo and i found myself frequently telling my friends that i didn’t feel like I was in a different country because of these stark similarities.

I miss New York, sure. But, i can’t wait to further explore the city of Good Air. My friends will join me soon, it will be the New Year, and a new start in a great country!

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Good Air Indeed”

  1.   Ann Kirschneron 28 Dec 2010 at 11:28 AM     1

    Sorry about the delays!! I was supposed to leave for a quick vacation this morning, and I’m stuck in NYC too. Then again, I’m stuck at home, not at airport, so I’m grateful for that.

    You’ll get there!! Can’t wait to read more blogging when you arrive.

  2.   Ann Kirschneron 28 Dec 2010 at 11:30 AM     2

    Oops, I realized I should have left this on the blog of one of your stuck classmates….but still, you get big points for compassion!

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