Jan 09 2011


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We just finished our first week of school and it really made the time go by very fast! Our first project was sooo much fun but also very very interesting. I like the way they organized this course abroad because it gives us a chance to learn the language by interacting with the people and culture here. Genius!We had a project about places where they dance salsa, and compared a studio to a Salsera! The best part of this assignment was actually getting the chance to learn and dance salsa with the native people!

I thought going to school would have been hard, considering we have to be there promptly at 8:30 every morning but the system works out perfectly. We wake up, have breakfast, go to class, have a break, then have the second part, and then we are done to explore the city for our projects!
A big part of this culture that i am not too fond of is the Siesta. People here close their stores and restaurants for nap-time in the middle of the day between 3 and 7, sometimes even later. Therefore this also makes us think there is nothing open and nothing to do but sleep also, feeling really unproductive. But our nights usually make up for it! Either we indulge in a really great meal or go to a dance class or out to a dance club or something really awesome!

Also, we went out on Friday with everyone: our friends, teachers, assistants, and it was absolutely amazing! I have never had that much fun in another country in my life!

I’m having a great time here, and i really don’t want to leave. I wish my family could come live with me and my friends here! I’m excited for this week to come and to see what it has in store for me!

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