New York, New York!
Some of these images are not super weird or things that I have never seen. They are just images of items that I take for granted or that I usually do not pay attention to on a daily basis. With that being said these images were slightly organic for me as I spotted these items and was compelled to take a picture of them with a bigger message behind them.
The first image is a sunset. Everyone has seen one. The reason why I chose this was because the meaning behind it. I love sunsets. They make me feel serene. However, lately, I have not been able to enjoy my surroundings since I have been running around with responsibilities. This sunset made me think of how relaxing my summer in my uncle’s house at Virginia. The colors blending together gave me sense of peace. Why? Well, New York is so busy and everything is so urgent that it leads you to drown yourself fin work at times. I think a contrast of this is the sunset. There was studium when I took this picture since it intrigued me, but there was much more punctum as it made me think about my goals. I want to be able to live a life where I enjoy my job and also have a good amount of leisure time. Although New York is the city of dreams, it is not the most relaxing one.
The second image is a set of flowers. This was taken when I was walking from the Met Breuer. The colors of these flowers provided some punctum for me, because this was a cloudy day. It seemed as though everything on that street was void of color except for the flowers. This made me think of how New York is never completely void of color. There is always a kind gesture being done, a concert taking place, or bustling life whether the day or night. These flowers symbolized that as well as the small spaces made to help the environment aesthetically and environmentally. I personally do not acknowledge these spaces on a daily basis. I think they describe New York, and they bring an element that differs New York City with other places.
The third picture that I captured was of a yellow cab driving past a park in Chinatown. This car was going so quickly that I only caught the tail-end. I notice cabs all the time, so this did not cause punctum. However, there was studium as it also related to two previous ideas. It relates to the sunset image since it goes along with the quick New York theme. Whether it’s the cabs or the citizens, everyone always has a place to be. Funny thing is as I was taking this picture, someone pushed past me to make the light. This is the peak of irony. Also, the cabs are a staple of New York. Everyone knows these cabs. It displays how timeless New York is to its inhabitants and the tourists.
The fourth picture is of Washington Square Park. I am frequently in that area, especially since some of my friends attend New York University. I have always admired Washington Square for multiple reasons. One reason is that the arc reminds me of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. It gives me a piece of the French in me, especially since I have not been there in a year going on two. A second notable aspect is that Washington Square Park has this very unique theme of having a contrast of a busy New York yet a calm group of people. There is so much happening at once with the street performers, vendors, and people running around. However, there are also people sitting on the bench simply relaxing. One of those people is usually me. I love to sit and watch such a diverse group of people enjoying a space. Often times people join in on my conversation, and I meet new friends. This park is so notable to me. It is symbolic of New York as it is a tourist destination yet it is also displays the leisure concept I have expressed in the past.
The fifth picture is of me on Long Island City. Weirdly enough it is in Queens not Long Island. This park is another example of contrast in the city. However, this park is arguably even more of a spot for leisure. I came here frequently in the summer. There is grass and there is also a river. If anyone has been here, there is also the iconic Pepsi Cola sign as well as a breathtaking view of the city. I appreciate these parks, because it adds more greenery and trees to the city scenery, but it also involves the much-needed relaxation aspect. Frequently, we tend to ignore our mental health by packing on our work. Studying for that test is more valuable than sleep, but that does not make much sense since you should not be tired on the test! These parks provide a balance that should be prevalent in our lives as well.
The sixth picture is of the building across the street from me. I appreciate my neighborhood, because I am near Central Park North. I have walked the length of the park to get home before, and it makes me slightly sad that I don’t do much of stuff like that anymore. Anyways, these buildings not only give me comfort as it reminds me of “home sweet home”, but I appreciate that they are only about five stories. This is a contrast in the city, since Manhattan is known for its skyscrapers. It is important to know where one’s heart is, and that’s home. It is my New York City home.
The seventh and final picture is that of a trash can. It makes me think of several concepts, but two of the biggest ones are balance and the environment. What I mean by balance Is that it makes me think of the debate about whether one can put trash dumping centers in wealthy neighbors or if they should keep going to the Bronx (WHICH ALREADY HAS 19!!). This portrays some of the inequality that people try to overlook in the city. People tend to burden the poor as if certain issues are their fault hen it really is not. Also, the increase of trash cans and recycling will hopefully cause people to have better habits, because our planet is really in need of that help.







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