About Marina Nebro


Traveling must be in my blood. I take after my mother in my love for traveling and look up to her as a kind of example in that sense. From the time my mother was 18 years old she traveled throughout Europe on her own – no phones, no computers – and really flourished as an individual. She found her love, Spanish language and culture, as she traveled through Spain and even met future husband, and my future father, on her journey. Traveling allows one to find one’s own identity and to explore one’s interests. I look at traveling as an open door to many possibilities.

I am fortunate to have all that I do, and to be given the opportunities I have had so far to travel. I’ve been to Scotland, England, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Holland, and Spain. My goal throughout college is to travel throughout Europe and gain knowledge along the way. I want to immerse myself within the different cultures and become one of the European peoples. I wish to know the land and feel its history and retain all the information I learn along the way. And I hope you, my reader, will follow me on my journeys. Without leaving the comfort of your home, and your computer, you can see what I see, learn what I learn, and love what I love.

Marina B. Nebro