Response to “New York City Trends in Air Pollution and its Health Consequences”

Having only heard of the name before, I was very impressed by the current results of PlaNYC. The report’s use of multiple statistics such as “the average SO2 concentration at NYCCAS monitors declined by 69%” created an optimistic outlook that the problem of air pollution in New York City is declining and will further decline if current trends and efforts continue (5). One of the more optimistic aspects that the report shows is the effort and initiative demonstrated by the local New York City government. The improvements in air quality was due to the agenda and regulations established by the city, in cooperation with environmental organizations, that created significant changes in a few years through persuasion using societal health and economic benefits. Maybe more important than the improvements to air quality in New York City itself, is the possibility to motivate other big cities in the United States, that haven’t focused so much on the problem of air pollution, to dedicate resources and time to improve their local air quality such as New York City has done so far.

The one realization that must be about the current results is that they are far from enough to solve the problem of air pollution and the damages it has caused and will continue to cause in New York City. The current results have simply made the problem less worse. As the report mentions, PM2.5- attributable deaths have fallen by 25% between 2005-2007 and 2009-2011 (9). Yet, exposure to PM2.5- still leads to about “2,300 premature deaths, 4,800 emergency departments visits for asthma, and 1,500 hospitalizations” (9). The many problems that still exist need to be address. The process established by PlaNYC of identification, implementation, and reflection needs to be continuously done with effort to solve problems with air pollution. Overall, I am glad to have learned more about this program and the change it has brought so far to New York City.

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