Hudson Estuary Plan

I agree with everyone that this is an optimistic paper, and do think that the plans proposed in this are very ambitious. However, contrary to what everyone is saying, that this plan is too ambitious, I think it’s actually a good thing. This shows that people are enthusiastic about making change, and even though the plans may seem unrealistic to complete in the short term, they are definitely beneficial in the long-run. After all, we’re always focusing our discussions on making changes that impact not only us, but the generations after us – thus having such ambitious plans is great.

Furthermore, I think this ties into the education aspect of making change. My high school was located right by the Hudson, but we never had any classes that taught us anything about the Hudson River. Any environmental classes were kept general, and I think that should change. For example, when talking about water sources, etc. teachers could make great examples of the Hudson River. I think that it’s great news that so many species are reappearing both in the river, and in the surrounding ecosystems, and if we continue to make effort to change, we will succeed.

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