A little Taste Outside of Love

by: Kimberly Calderon, Grace Paré, Noorulain Paracha

This video was a good first attempt at an analysis of a work of art. While we were able to effectively analyze the image formally and to add some insight into its historical significance, we didn’t really have enough information around the artist’s intentions and views to fully flesh out an argument for what its purpose was. In addition, we weren’t able to get really good pictures of the work, as the lighting in the Brooklyn Museum was too dim. We have used pictures of the work that we found online, and close up shots which displayed the rhinestones which we wanted to detail were not available. It was a good thing that we went to see the work in person, because the full effect of its size and glamour cannot be realized from photos. The impressive quality of the work in person was what drew us to it in the first place and made us choose to analyze it.
In a perfect situation, we would have had some time to look up the artist before seeing this work, so that we’d have an idea of her beliefs and aims. This would be incredibly helpful in deciding how we should interpret the awe inspiring work that we saw. We’d also have had better cameras and lighting so that we’d be able to show the viewers of our video just exactly how every detail of the work contributed to the final, beautiful piece.
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