Author Archives: Gwen

Posts by Gwen

Tropical Scenery by Frederic Edwin Church

by: Amanda Cruz, Ethan Mead, Aleksandra Ratkiewicz, Lauren Vernikov

We focused on formal properties, subject matter, description, and our interpretation of the piece.
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Web of Life

by: Shabab Karim, Derek Lee, Miar Elaskandrany, Amber Jin, Mohamed Abid

We used Description, Formal properties, Historical Context, Artist's Intention and our Interpretation.
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spacelander bike

by: Caleb Chang, Thomas Kim, Vikash Tewari, Yusuf Wong

We described the features of the bike very distinctly. We examined the practical purposes as well as the scientific details of how the bike works. We also looked at the time frames the bike seemed to fit in. We didn't go too in-depth about the color contrasts of the bike or how it was made. Perhaps we would like to examine the process of how the bike was built. For example, was it spray painted or brush painted; did machines build it or was it hand made; etc.
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Media Arts Day

by: Emily Lamia and Jennifer Park

We talked about the literal description of the painting, as well as analyzing colors and the intention of the artist. We also wondered about the man in the picture. We could have spoken more about the time period of the painting, and symbolism. We would have liked to discover more about his use of lines and texture.
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Brooklyn Museum Video

by: Daniella Zaytseva, Monica Pesina

In our analysis of the museum we included description, interrogation and historical context. However, we did not include analysis on formal properties, subject matter, or artist's intention. If we had more time we would discuss the artist's choices when creating the painting and think about what the artist's intentions were when he created this portrait.
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A Morning Snow – Hudson River

by: Amena Abbasi, Zainab Nathani, Ece Ersoy

We did a general description of the painting, talked about it's formal properties, subject matter, artist's intention, and historical context. We did not do an interrogation and ask questions about the painting, and we would've liked to do so if we had more time. We were intrigued by the painting itself, and seemed to try to find a way to justify each aspect of the painting in terms of its history and time period, however, we did not ask our own questions which we could have done if we had more time.
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A Morning Snow/Moorish Warrior

by: Jeremy Jimenez, Florence Adeosun, Nathaly Garzon, Jonas Urena

We looked really only at formal qualities and we did not delve into the meaning or emotional response as much as I think we should have.
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Trinity Church and Wall Street

by: Rodrigo Guerra, Raymund Rodriguez, Fariha Ansari

We used description, formal properties, subject matter/content, historical context, artist's intention and our interpretations.

We did not incorporate interrogation.

We would like to have questioned the painting more and give it more of an analysis.
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Brooklyn Museum

by: Angelica Maury, Kamar Tazi, Krystle Salvati

As a group, we touched on description, formal properties, subject matter/content, historical context, and artist's intention. We did not touch on the interrogation part of the analysis which looking back would have been better in furthering our conversation. If we were not put under a time constraint, we would have liked to take better quality pictures and had more time with the artwork at the museum.
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Dona Maria by Miguel Cabrera

by: Samantha Silber, Tiffany Tichio, and Eva Kuperman

This piece focused on nobility. It highlighted the emphasis on nobility and royalty within society at the time in which the painting was painted; 1790. If we had more time we would have researched the artist more as well as studied his other pieces. While in the museum we discussed the description and interrogation, but not the other parts of the assignment. Upon completing the project we further analyzed the painting.
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