Author Archives: Gwen

Posts by Gwen

George Taylor II

by: Tanja Miketic, Benard Slawomirski, William Dadario, Bart Rosenzweig

We analyzed the portrait of George Taylor II, painted by Rembrandt Peele. We started our analysis by focusing on describing the painting, then moved on to studying its formal properties. We ended by discussing subject matter and content. We unfortunately did not make mention of the painting's historical context or the artist's intention.
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A Little Taste Outside of Love

by: Mary Rueth Simone Henderson Gabby Ribaudo

We talked about the physical appearance and qualities in detail to describe the focal point of the piece. We also went in depth of the subject matter and the artist's potential intentions. We also discussed possible historical context from the 1970s. We didn't analyze the painting by asking questions about it which we would have liked to do if we had more time.
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A Storm in the Rocky Mountains

by: Noel George, Katie Johnson, George Kenefati, Sam Kramer, Rebecca Regine, Taryn Watkins

We used description, formal properties, content, historical context, the artist's intention, and our own interpretation in our analysis. However, we did not use interrogation. We would have liked to have spent more time analyzing the smaller details of such a large painting.
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Web of Life

by: Shabab Karim, Derek Lee, Miar Elaskandrany, Amber Jin, Mohamed Abid

Our conversation mostly included descriptive analysis. We also used formal analysis, and we interpreted the artists intentions. However, we failed to use interrogation analysis, content analysis, and historical analysis in our audio file. We did include the historical analysis in the video though.
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A Legless Bird

by: Serena Chen, Omayra Cen, Jessica Pitts, Megan Jean-Louis, Ashaney Ewes

At Night at the Museum, we talked quite a bit about the description and formal context of this drawing along with with the content and artist's intention while creating this drawing. Toyin Ojih Odutola wanted to objectify whiteness the same way that the majority of our society objectified minorities like blacks, muslims, asians, hispanics, etc. In the description of the drawing, "Non white persons become 'other,' while whiteness, as a category defining those in a historically dominant social position, is left 'unmarked,' unspoken, and undefined– controlling through its supposed invisibility." People walk by this drawing because at first glance it just looks like a blank piece of paper. They fail to take the time to actually take a closer look at the subject and find out what it is that they are REALLY looking at; the same way that most people in our society view minorities. Which leads to prejudices, stereotypes, and social discrimination and racial classification.
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Caught Napping

by: Asimina Hamakiotes, Victoria Cheng, Michelle Zhang, and Julia (Jae Eun) Jung

We mainly described the content of the painting and questioned the artist's intent on certain details. We also discussed formal properties such as the color of the background and what it symbolizes. We didn't know much about the factors of the time period to discuss historical context, nor did we know the artist. If we had more time, we would like to research how this painting was important in its time.
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Analysis of The Fatalist

by: Sierra Baksh, Katherine Chemas, Ashley Sagesse

Together as a group, we critically analyzed The Fatalist by Alejandro Guzman. We looked at each aspect of the sculpture and discussed what it reminded us of. We didn't historically analyze the sculpture. If we had more time, we would like to match the pictures to what we were discussing at the time in the video and also add text.
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Soundsuit Analysis

by: Zena sallam, Mariyah Farooqi, Joan Nieh

We analyzed the visual aspect of the mannequin, the glittery black body suit with red flowers and beadwork throughout. We also analyzed the meaning of the cage with flowers that was encompassing the mannequin's body. We analyzed what might have been the artist's message that he wanted to convey to the spectators. We didn't analyze the time period the suit was created in, or the history of the suit. Analyze more about the artist and the purpose of the suit, if it was ever actually worn or modeled.
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Night at the Museum

by: Rebecca Olan

I mainly focused on the history of the artifact and its significance to me personally. If I had more time I would have like to talk more in depth about the work itself, maybe ask more questions. I also didn't really provide a formal analysis of the statue.
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Brooklyn Museum Analysis

by: Alexandra Kononenko, Benjamin Freeman, Megan Govin, Guy Villette, Luisa Anaya, Danny Jimenez, Jehan Miah

We analyzed both the details, setting, and possible significance or use. We did not analyze enough the emotional response that the piece evokes in us. We could've researched the historical background of the images depicted.
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