Author Archives: John Sorrentino

About John Sorrentino

I am a PhD candidate in French Literature at the CUNY Graduate Center. I currently work as an instructional technology fellow at the Macaulay Honors College of CUNY.

Posts by John Sorrentino

“Barred from the Studio” by Dotty Addie

by: Jackie DiBello, Juliana Zaloom, Chris Morabito, and Christina Mazza

We were surprised by how much fun we had and by how much we could talk about the art. We learned that by talking to our classmates about the art, we can learn more about the art itself.

Shepherdess of Rolleboise and Blossom

by: YeJoon Seo, Amanda Sarantos, Rachel Weintraub, Sharon Grossman

The experience was one we will never forget. We were able to see art differently from a new perspective by having casual discussions about what we were viewing. The Macaulay community provided a great atmosphere. We loved it. It was fun.

Life’s Day or Three Times Across the River : Noon (The Wedding Party)

by: Sarah Kabariti, Viki Hazkour, Patrick Fowler, Elliot Wolf


“Subway” by Mark Rothko

by: Emily Urgiles, Tamar Lichter, Sarah Hussain

The experience at the museum and creating the video were rewarding and interesting. It forced us to analyze pieces of art in detail which we may not have done on our own. We liked having the leeway to choose paintings in the museum that we were attracted to or felt most connected with. Not only did we learn that we can talk about art for over 5 minutes or how to create a video on our Mac, but we also learned a lot about each other. We learned that we all have different strengths and we collaborate well together. We’re very understanding and supportive of each other’s ideas.

A Storm in the Rocky Mountains, Mt. Rosalie

by: Jessica Longo, Michael Weitzman, Anthony Massa, Timothy Sweeney

The experience was wonderful and we all had a wonderful time. We loved looking at the art and experiencing different forms of art. There was abstract art that we looked at and this art was more hard to decipher and we opened our mind to what the painting could be. But, for our presentation, we chose a less abstract art piece and we found it to be the most interesting. The group enjoyed this experience over all and we look forward to more experiences like this.

Job Hunters

by: Anthony Scarallo, Timothy Henglein, Maxwell Berkow, Kenan Redzematovic

The experience of getting to learn about the life of industrial workers in the 1930’s was eye-opening. The attention to the massive, filthy, coal plants lining along the East River to contrast the lack of detail on the workers is unusual. We learned that there may be reasons why some areas are lacking in detail when compared to other areas of the work.

Clouds Over The Black Sea

by: Rachel Naftali, Linda Dayan

We had an overall great experience analyzing the artwork. We realized how each of us took on different perspectives and had so much to say about a single piece of artwork. Even though we may have disagreed or interpreted the painting differently, there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to art.

Girl on a Chair

by: Viviane Wahba, Dana Goldberg, Muriel Dervich, Daniela Mikhaylov

The experience helped me learn how to interpret art. My classmates and I enjoyed working together to try and figure out the true meaning of the piece of art. We are thankful for the experience because otherwise, none of us would have ever had such an experience.

The Peaceable Kingdom, Edward Hicks

by: Marzuk Masub, Adam Herskovits, Omar Nagaria, Danielle Zalta, Adiell Melamed

It was very interesting and my group and I really enjoyed learning how to utilize iMovie to our advantage. This was a very helpful activity for my group to learn more about each other and the program that we were using.

A Young Man Blowing A Torch To Light A Candle

by: Michael Goldberg, Edward Benjamin, Jordan Intrator

A unique experience that blended analyzing art, thinking on your feet, using new technology, and strengthening bonds with classmates.

Comments by John Sorrentino