Beaded Crown of Onijagbo Obasoro Alowolodu

by: Adrianna Sirinian, Kassandra Mendoza, Anna Kryukoba, Gracelyn Wolf

This is our group’s discussion about a headdress worn by a Nigerian monarch in the late 19th century. We discussed several aspects of the artwork, including what we thought might be its potential purpose, why it was designed in such a way, and the craftsmanship behind the finished product, among other subjects.

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Web of Life – John Biggers

by: Nicolette Belitsis, Kara Criscione, Diana Perlov, Adona Pjetergjoka

We learned that critiquing art is actually very difficult, and requires a lot of background knowledge. Although we had minimal art knowledge, we still found the experience enlightening. Without being asked to have in-depth conversations about art, we never would have understood the artwork as deeply as we did after talking about it as a group. Overall, this was a positive learning experience.

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Heat by Florine Stettheimer

by: Adam Poplawski Nicholas Lung

This experience opened our eyes to the world of art and helped us develop an appreciation for art. Going to the Brooklyn Museum was an amazing experience and it was great to see all the pieces of art that frankly, most of us would not have seen if it weren’t for this assignment/project. We all learned that if we really try to appreciate the art instead of just passing by and not noticing it, we’ll be able to have actual intelligent conversations about it. This experience was extremely fun and we all enjoyed ourselves and will probably see some museums independently, because of this great Macaulay Seminar.

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The New One

by: Valerie LaBarbera, Teresa Lo, Nicole-Amanda Merchan, and Susan Pak

The experience was riveting and enthralling. We were able to experience a new museum which showed us more of what New York City has to offer. We learned that art can take many different forms and that everyone has their own perspective of the artwork and it’s meaning.

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The Musicale- Stacy Tolman

by: Nick Anton, Yamile Rose, Saffia Rahimtoola

This was a unique learning experience because, as young adults, we do not often seize the opportunity to spend time in institutions like the Brooklyn Museum of Art discussing works of art. There are so many opportunities around us in New York City that we do not often take advantage of, and it was great to be able to have such a personal experience with this art while the museum was open to only us.

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Dans un Café à Paris

by: Les Wong, Shixu Zheng, Julian Tsang

At first, we all thought the experience would be boring. However, we could not have been more wrong. The art styles at the Brooklyn Museum were far different from what we ever experienced in any other art museums. We saw many different paintings and sculptures and it increased our appreciation for the American arts. In general, we learned that art could be very upfront or very abstract and requires much interpretation to understand it. In addition, everyone interpreted art in different ways because we all had different opinions and perspectives on the artworks we saw. It was interesting how we looked at the painting first and thought of ideas before reading the plaque which removes distractions of what is fact and what is interpretation.

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Mummy Mask of a Man

by: Christian Dantzler, Shadia Farah, Jennifer Itty, Vincent Nicoletta, Juhyun (Eunice) So

We realized splitting parts between ourselves quickened the pace of finishing the project, but at the same time we had to discuss everything in order to form a coherent video. It was a bit time-consuming because none of us were familiar with the iMovie nor Garageband, but it was a useful experience.

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To Ride the Death Cart

by: Silvia Cohn, Kyle Williams, and Acadia Branch

I learned the intimacies of our group members as art allowed ourselves deeper conversation about normally taboo topics. Also, Kyle learned a little more about GarageBand.

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Midnight Macaulay Museum Madcaps

by: Damien Hobday, Bethany Herrmann, Lizzy Elliott, Ziva Rubinstein

Fantastic. We learned how to work as a group, and analyze art.

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“Portrait of John Jacob Anderson and His Sons, Edward and William”

by: Andrew Chen, Kevin Cheng, Chi Chiu Lo

Overall, we enjoyed the stay at the Brooklyn Museum after hours with our friends from other campuses. We learned that art is generally based on perspectives and we all had our own views on the painting.

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