Cartonnage and Mummy of the Priest Hor

by: Julia Buczynski-Kos, Tristan D Souza, Emily Leong, Julia Paré

This was a new experience for all of us. At first, we had difficulty putting our thoughts into words and building off of each other, but we soon became more comfortable with the recorder. It was fun to be in a museum with all of the Macaulay students and discuss pieces of art that we liked.

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Night at the Brooklyn Museum

by: Liz Joseph, Jensine Sajan, Clara Wilson, Ann Jose

To be completely honest, we have had no previous experience with art and had no idea of what to expect at the museum. However, we were blown away just by the structure of the museum. It was beautiful and looked so majestic. Our favorite piece of art was Portrait of a Family on the Terrace, which showed the aristocratic lifestyle of a Dutch family in 1670. Although they were depicted as elite through their clothes and environment, their emotional attachment to each other was very weak as the family members were not seated near each other or emotionally attached. They looked distant from each other. As we continued to explore the museum, we began to look at the paintings to find a deeper meaning behind them all. We had a pleasant time at the museum and look forward to going to many more.

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Dissecting the Sculptor

by: Alison Fu, Linda Luu, Sarah Lamsifer, Stephanie Fang

The experience was unexpectedly enlightening; at first, we were attracted to it due to the fact that it featured such a provocative image. We started our discussion by questioning the identity of the man in the nude as well as the one who we presumed to be the sculptor. As we continued, we started to analyze small details that were previously undetected, such as the techniques used to create the painting, and the deeper significance of the title; “The Sculptor” was misleading since at first glance, we were captured by the image of the nude man, who seemed to be the main focus of the painting. Overall, we realized that by treating our roles as observers with respect and through verbal collaboration, we were able to further our own ideas about the work and therefore have a more fulfilling analysis.

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The Shepard Tending his Flock

by: Kenneth Connolly, Evans Charles Augustin, Jason Woo

It was wonderful. We learned the basics in editing audio and visual files which is helpful. Art uses many physical textures to evoke emotion, which we all felt from Charles-Francois Daubigny and Jean-Fracois Millet’s works.

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Matt, Cassatt, and the Dude in the Hat

by: Sarah Parente, Eden Mack-Hardiman, Matthew LoCastro, Steven Valeri, Dane Fearon

The experience was enlightening and we learned how to use our MacBooks, and how to appreciate art in a museum setting and discuss it. We learned how art could represent significant moments in history whether they are “textbook worthy” or not.

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Night at the Brooklyn Museum

by: Reylyn Roldan, Samantha Ong, Abhishek Samdaria, Sara Louie

Things aren’t as easy as they seem. The early bird gets the worm.
It was a learning experience, we learned how to analyze art according to our perspectives and senses.

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Media Arts Project

by: Zachary Diemer, Christopher Pinto, Brittany Cabanas, Kayla Talbot

Great, were awesome friends. I love everybody.

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Macaulay Night at Museum

by: Katherine Chiu, Jamie Liang, Selena Vargas, Shio Fung Zhu

Overall, the trip to the Brooklyn Museum was very enjoyable. Being able to discuss artwork in an undisturbed environment of other college students was quite enlightening. It was fantastic to hear the opinions of other Macaulay students and to really take time out to appreciate the fine arts.

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Stormy Mountain Video

by: Mohd Sakib, Shujat Khan, Michael Skok, Lubna Rahmani

I thought this was a great experience mainly because I finally learned how to make my own video clip and how to edit an audio file. I also learned how to work with my ITF and met new students across the CUNY campuses.

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Two Ivans and Oksana

by: Video & Audio Editor: Mohd Sakib (Group Members: Michael Skok, Shujat Khan, Lubna Rahmani, Mohd Sakib)

It was an enlightening experience about the different types of art exhibited at the Brooklyn Museum of Art. We visited the particular sections that we were interested in such as European Art, American Art and Contemporary Art. I enjoyed discussing the key details, aspects and symbolism or meaning behind the artworks that we chose; “reading between the lines” so that we could have a more intellectually stimulating response. Whenever I go to a museum and look at the plethora of pieces in display, I try to analyze them myself, solely relying on my perspective. It was very intriguing to hear my classmates’ point of view on the meanings of these artworks and I will definitely have more group visits in the future.

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