Brooklyn Museum Art – Gowanus Canal at 2nd Street

by: Jasmine Boone, Sabrina Kostusiak, Alyssa Strupilo, Skye, +1 memeber

The project was interesting. Once you start analyzing the pieces and going in depth with the art work more questions flow out.

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Francis Guy’s Winter Scene in Brooklyn

by: Video and Audio Editor: Michael Skok Group: Mohd Sakib, Shujat Khan, Lubna Rahmani, Michael Skok

The experience was very exciting. Being at such a grandiose museum at night looking at majestic pieces of art with some friends brought out some interesting responses. Looking at such artwork at night seemed to magnify the stature of the art as well. Examining these pieces with my group members exhibited different responses and reactions at the artwork. It seems each of us appear to notice a distinct aspect or feature of the artwork first, and then gradually, take in the artwork as a whole. It provoked many interesting insights and connections at the end as well.

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by: Saranya Radhakrishnan, Joanne Ramadani, Oneeka Khan, Esther Mathieu

Even though a piece of art appears simple, once it’s analyzed and observed, it is found that a lot can be said about the piece itself.

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Portrait of Anita Ramirez at the Brooklyn Museum

by: Virginia Lee, Joyce Ling, Mary Kate Mutze and Christopher Ushay

We had a great museum experience! We all really enjoyed going to the Brooklyn Museum for a “backstage pass” at some of the great art that can be found there. We loved getting to see all of the different styles of art, but finally settled on the Portrait of Anita Ramirez for our project. We learned that we all like working in groups!

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Woman Overtaken By Storm

by: Khrystyna Melnyk, Mariana Gurevich, Boris Litvin, Gaeun (Emily) Kim, Michael Lopez

It was fun because we learned about the painting in a new way and were able to get more details about it. And we learned how to use GarageBand and iMovie.

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An Overview of the work!

by: Assoc. Dean Ugoretz

Some examples of students working on their projects (at least from the first morning).

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Two Ivans and Oksana, 1964

by: Nicole Ortiz, Thomas Berreti, Nik Nicaj

The museum was pretty interesting. I didn’t expect to have fun with this project, but I had fun recording with my classmates and putting together the video and audio. I was very pleased with the outcome.

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Model T Headquarters

by: Naomi Gaggi, Sahan Ratnayake, Monika Devi

We enjoyed the interaction of art between our peers and getting to know everyone from different campuses.

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Portrait of a Lady by Giovanni Boldini

by: Maria Osorio, Devin Lee, Pornin Tauthong

The experience was definitely worthwhile. It was a great opportunity for us to have a close interaction with famous artworks and expose ourselves to the aesthetic nature of our local museum. We learned that it takes a lot of motivation to appreciate the pieces, and we learned how to discuss the artwork in a group setting. It was very interesting to be able to talk to our peers about certain pieces. We were exposed to different opinions and ideas.

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Fallen Bierstadt

by: Megan Bogatz, Michael Hourahan, Jae Han

We had a fantastic time exploring the museum at the odd hours. We learned that we all enjoy art in different ways and have different tastes.

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