Cops and Headlights

by: Nicolette Hussain, Joyce Yu

Much of the analysis that was done at the museum was formal. We discussed the physical features of the painting and tended to repeat much of what we had said. This was because the painting does not provide a clear storyline. It offers us more of a glimpse into a specific moment of time in a big city. We recorded more of an in-depth analysis of the work as we edited our video. We focused less on the historical value of Dickson’s piece, as there doesn’t seem to be any. What we did look at was the meaning the painting might have had for her or the viewer. Given more time, we would have researched the artist herself and her truest intentions.
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Moorish Warrior Discussion

by: Truly Johnson, Mariana Dominguez

The kind of analysis that we did in our conversation at the museum had to do with the historical context of the painting and trying to understand the man being portrayed in the painting. The kind of analysis that we didn’t do was talking about the artistic techniques of the paintings. If we had, had more time we would have liked to devote more time discussing the quality of the painting.
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Dance Mask (Takü), 20th Century

by: Rabia, Crystal, Angelica

We made comparison from modern day to other eras of time. We asked thoughtful questions about the small, minute details. We didn’t explain our feelings towards the art but we did give first impressions. If we had more time, we would have researched more of the historical context of the art.
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Deluxx Fluxx Arcade

by: Natalie Lisiewicz and Joel Mathew

While looking at the art piece, we analyzed the entire arcade exhibit as a whole, while also highlighting specific pieces that caught our attention. We asked plenty of questions, such as what were the artists’ inspirations and what is the idea behind the distorted images. We also mentioned the subject matter in some pieces, such as Peter Pan or the Empire State Building. If we had more time, we could have analyzed the pieces individually. Also, we were unable to upload some of our own pictures due to technical issues, so many of our images are from google image searches of the pieces we were describing in the recorder.
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Nkisi Nkondi Power Figure

by: Christine Franco Choi, Nourelhoda Gouda

C: Subject Matter – We interpreted the figure in the context of a person who had undergone much oppression and yet stood firm – a power figure.
N: Formal Analysis – We spoke of the historical analysis behind the figure, why the figure was made, its purpose.
We would like to ask more questions: Why was it made out of wood? When did these figures begin to be created, and why? Do nails represent a religious background?
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Everlasting Waterfall

by: Cathy Zhu, Kelvin Zheng, Qiaomin Yang

We analyzed the context and texture of the waterfall, and also discussed the painter’s impression and purpose of her art. However, we didn’t do an analysis of the positioning of the droplets since we weren’t allowed to examine the painting at close proximity.
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Web of Life

by: Mariam Ahmed Hermena Ibrahim

My partner and I discovered that we analyzed the painting based on the visual artwork rather than the actual content of the work of art. We realized that we focused more on the details of the work of art. We did not focus on asking questions as much as we would have liked. We also realized that the analyzation would have more effective if we brushed upon the intentions of the artist firstly before describing the painting.
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Web of Life

by: Ahmed Aboseria, Adam Sulaiman

Our analysis was mainly focused on the use of contrast and juxtaposition that John Briggers employed in his painting of African American life during the times of slavery and plantations. We also thoroughly discussed the historical contexts of the painting. In terms of what we lacked, we didn’t really analyze the feelings this painting created and our emotions weren’t elaborated on. If we had more time, we would discuss the emotions that this painting emitted.
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Prisoners of War Paintings

by: Crystal Lim, Francesca Montalti

We analyzed the formal properties of the paintings including the colors, content, and medium used to create the works. We also focused on the symbolism and latent content present in the works. Additionally, we analyzed the historical context of the paintings and their impact on society. If we had more time, we would have described the paintings in greater detail and looked further into the painter’s background as well as the motive behind the creation of the paintings.
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Human-Headed Genie Holding a Basket and Cone

by: Jannat Javed and Samantha Lee

While we examined the art work at the museum we talked a lot about what we saw visually. We discussed in detail the various textures the artist used, the canvas he chose, and the scene he was trying to depict. But as we engaged in the process of creating the video we realized that we didn’t ask a lot of “whys.” Why did the artist choose to display Human Headed Genie Holding A Basket And Cone on a slab of rock? Why did he use such intricate designs on certain, random portions of the work? Why is he holding a basket? In our recording we talked extensively about all of this being shown in the work of art but we didn’t question its purpose and presence. The reason for the art work being created also did not come up in our conversations. Why did the artist choose to portray this particular image? What exactly does it represent? What was the historical context regarding the piece? If we had more time it would have been very interesting to analyze why the artist did what he did. We would have liked to find out more about how the work related to what was going on in the time period it referred to. But we did really enjoy discussing the techniques that the artist employed and what we thought of them.
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