My Children Analysis Movie

by: Anita Sztukowska, Lina Mohamed

We did formal analysis, historical context, and subject matter.
We did not analyze what the painter painted with. We also did not pay close attention to the description before judging the painting.
Pay more attention to descriptions then analyze, why the author painted this portrait, strokes the painter used while painting, and size of the painting.
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by: Kristen Cournane Gabrielle Monge

We performed a formal analysis in our conversations: discussions about the mediums used, content, and style. We failed to analyze the overall meaning and reasoning behind the artist’s work and how it was relevant in our society. With more time, we would have liked to include more pictures of the artwork, investigate past artwork of these artists, and further interpret our discussions.
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Wolf Within

by: Marienela Heredia, Cristian Urgiles, Alex Veerasammy, Sosara Ma, Jonathan Penuela, Aaliyah Alexandra Hay,

Our analyses at the museum were based on our own personal reactions and perspectives toward the sculpture because we did not, at the moment, take into consideration any historical information about the piece. Our analyses took into account the sculpture’s physical appearance, the meaning that the sculptor might have intended through artistic and stylistic choices, such as the black tie against a white body, the representation of the drastic differences in the dress, and other factors spoken of in the video.

Had we had more time, we could have paid more attention to details themselves, such as the intention of the piece and its actual meaning in a modern world. Also, what the art intended in regards to an all-encompassing theme drawn between modern society and its capitalistic inclinations, and the nature of the man within.
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Getting Off On The Right Foot

by: Lyla Bellany, Margaret Delos Santos, Pulkit Singla

We talked about its physical aspects, as well as its subject matter. Though we only briefly went over the political/economic background of its historical context, we didn’t know too much or weren’t very well informed about the 1980s. For the future we would like to discuss more of the secondary references and meanings of the work as well as relative pieces, and also the work of contemporary artists. We would also like to mention the substance and story behind the artwork even more.
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Statuette of Nemesis

by: Jordan Bellis, James Wong

We made a formal analysis of the statuette by analyzing the vibrant color of the statuette and how the griffin’s posture and stance added to the tone of the piece as a whole. Additionally, we discussed why the sculptor had used such a bright blue color for the griffin and why she was placed with a talon on the wheel. However we did not discuss the historical context of the statuette. If we had more time, we would liked to have discussed the potential reasons the sculptor had created this and the underlying meanings of it.
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A Night At The Museum

by: Alexander Legg, Arianna Injeian, Swathi Mettela, Michael Borello

Our analyses focused on craftsmanship and also historical context. With each piece of art, we looked closely at the different colors, textures and tools that were used in the artworks. Since the pieces we closely examined were in the Egyptian art realm, we were able to work in how the Egyptian culture, namely their value of Gods, shaped their artwork. We did not really think about the art from the perspective of the artist, but more of who the artwork represented. Since both pieces of art were representative of Middle Eastern Gods and/or people of significance, we focused on who those people were in their respective cultures and what their representation could have meant for how they were perceived in their community. If we had more time, we might have liked to explore the museum a little bit more, and perhaps spend more time focusing on different works of art. Since there were a lot of students there, it was difficult to find works of art that were not surrounded by crowds.
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View of the Brooklyn Bridge

by: Michael Proscia, Nicholas Cirrone

We first analyzed the subject, which was the Brooklyn Bridge. We discussed the time period and the historical context and how this was reflected in the painting. We also analyzed the tonal qualities of this painting by talking about the bright shades of colors. If we had more time, we would have liked to discuss the actual type of painting this work was, which was an oil on canvas. We also should have discussed how the artist manipulated the sizes of certain points to simulate depth.
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A Pic-Nic Party by Thomas Cole

by: Maria Zakharycheva, Noor Sheikh

We mostly analyzed the message of the painting. Our group focused on the people portrayed in the painting and their gathering. We also focused on the portrayal of nature and the immense size of nature. We did not talk about the historical context of the painting. If we had more time we could have researched Thomas Cole and the time period in which he made this painting. We briefly discussed the formal and technical aspects of the painting, but we could have discussed that further.
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Sneaker Coffin Discussion

by: Ryan Rivera and Ben Karasik

We talked about the history of the sneaker, what the coffin represented, and its significance to the creator of the sneaker and people around the world. The sneaker was created in 1995, and the coffin shortly thereafter. The coffin represented the human body and it looked like it actually could fit a child. It seemed to be created by or for a sneaker fanatic. We did not really talk about the color scheme of the shoe or the materials used for the coffin and the actual sneaker. We did not compare the sneaker to the coffin as much. On the label it said that the coffin was created in 1990 but instead it should have 1995. It was most likely a misprint and we could have saved time to discuss something else rather than that during the video.
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Ladle with Skull

by: Daniel Levin, Nicholas Vulpis, Daniel Stremt, Theroen Hyland, Jack Sixsmith, Daniel Ladner, Richard Lu, Omar Siddique

In our analysis, we discussed all aspects–historical context, subject matter, and visual aspects, although not with the depth that we could have. We mentioned inferences about the culture of the time, and its’ stark contrast with the subject matter. If we had more time, we would have researched the Heiltsuk people and their history within Canada.
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