Winter Scene in Brooklyn by Francis Guy

by: Luis Jorge and Margaret Che

The first thing we did when we looked at the image was describing the figures, colors, landscape, and possible techniques used by the artist to enhance the image. We wish that after doing this we drew conclusions as to the purpose of the art piece and any symbolism. If we had more time we wish we would have taken more time to appreciate the beauty of the image and relevant setting.
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Winter Scene in Brooklyn by Francis Guy

by: Huda Yousuf & Marcella Truncali

The painting above is “Winter Scene in Brooklyn” by Francis Guy. We described the details and subjects of the painting well. We thought about the setting and historical context of the painting. However, we weren’t able to analyze the brushstrokes and painting techniques used.
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Macaulay Night at the Museum

by: Ryan Chan, Arif Mahmud

****Re-upload, because forgot to include group member’s name.
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July by Larry Rivers

by: Group Members: Katherine Miranda, Radiyyah Hussein, Nicholas Brehl, Julianna Maronilla, Alice, and Maria Saleem

In our discussion of July by Larry Rivers, we spoke about what we saw in terms of the bicycle, the house, the figures, the temperature which seems to be scalding, hence the undefined lines of the artist and the summer daze the family (or what appears to be a family) seems to be in due to the heat. We did not pay much attention to the historical significance due to the fact that we were not familiar with the artist’s background/style so we could not bring that aspect into our discussion. However, I believe we did shed light on the aesthetics of the painting thoroughly and also delved into discussion on how the colors of the painting contrasted with summer. The artist uses mostly cool and calm colors such as greens and blues and uses these colors to paint an illustration that depicts warmth (Summer).
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by: Xiao Yan Hu, Elisa Juarez

We analyzed the painting by looking at its details. We looked at the different objects and subjects in the room and compared their styles. We found that the Musicale by Stacy Tolman is a mixture of western instruments and eastern tradition. The Japanese decorations were very eye catching. We took into consideration the time period to explain why the men faces were shown and centered while the woman’s face was not shown. We came to the conclusion that it could be the matter of gender during the nineteenth century. The painting was very vivid so we felt like we could actually hear the music. However, we did not analyze the colors and shapes, lights and shadows of the painting. We would take more pictures of this painting if we have more time. It is a beautiful painting.
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Moorish Warrior Discussion

by: Mariana Dominguez, Truly Johnson

The kind of analysis that we did at the museum was about the subject content itself and the historical context of the art. We didn’t really ask why it was in the museum or look at the artistic technique of the work. If we had more time we could have delved more into the specific techniques and emotions conveyed in the work.
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The Painted Ceiling

by: Nicholas Brehl (movie maker), Radiyyah Hussein (movie maker), Maria Saleem, Katherine Miranda, Juliana Maronilla, Zhigue Wong

We talked a lot about form in the beginning of our conversation, and moved gradually into the art’s content, and eventually, the historical and cultural context of the work. We could have gone into more detail regarding the actual techniques the artist used to paint the ceiling itself, although we could have also gone into more detail regarding every aspect of the painting. Overall, out strengths pointed more towards our ability to analyze the content of the art piece.
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Profeiner- Night at the Museum

by: Matt Wysocki & Kaitlin McDermott

In listening to our recording, we realized that we did not compare and contrast light and dark images in the painting, and for the most part we did not analyze the medium of the work. Although we spoke abundantly about the historical/ political context of the painting, we failed to explore the more diverse events that we happening in the world at the same time, economically and socially. If we had more time, we would have analyzed the darkness of the sky versus the light clothing that the invading colonizers were wearing. There’s also a smokestack standing in the background, most likely adding to the darkness of the sky and the plight of the colonized.
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The Moorish Warrior

by: Jessica Ng & Jia Hui Yan

We analyzed the content of the painting by parts, looking at specific objects and reached some conclusions of the meaning of the art work. We looked at many small details of the painting and considered some historical context behind the painting. We also considered the view of a modern audience. At the time, we didn’t the style of the artist, the symbolism, and the purpose of the painting. If we had more time, we would think more about the story behind and analyze the color/composition of the painting. We could have also talked about the medium used for the painting.
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Macaulay Night at the Museum

by: Arif Mahmoud

We had an insightful conversation on the historical background and context of the painting, and the implications of the imagery depicted by the artist. We discussed symbolism of various objects in the image, such as the rainbow. We did not go into detail on the techniques used to create the image. If we had more time and knowledge of the artist, we would have analyzed the methods used by the artist to create the image and any possible inspirations for painting the image.
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