Winter Scene in Brooklyn Conversation

by: Raquel Calero, Monica Saw-Aung

At the museum, we made in-depth observations of the details of the painting and compared past Brooklyn to present-day Brooklyn. We also wondered about the artist’s perspective in the piece. We did not describe the way the painting made us feel or ask questions about why it was in the museum.
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Brooklyn Museum Night- George Washington AG + FG

by: Anna Gugeshashvili and Fradah Gold

We analyzed the components of the painting in great detail and connected it to our previous knowledge of art and history. If we had more time, we might have researched the history behind the artist and his connection to the painting.
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Frederick Childe Hassam, Late Afternoon, New York, Winter

by: Irene Yao, Tan Yee Yeung

For our conversation at the museum we discussed the painting both broadly and in depth. For the painting we mentioned brush strokes and how it contributed in the general mood of the painting. Also the influence of the time period on the artwork as a whole. We didn’t incorporate the perspective of the artist while he was painting the landscape as well as where it took place. We would’ve liked to compare the painting with other works by the artist if we had more time.
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Lashok Nation

by: Benjamin Musheyev, Khana Mulodzhanov, Yakubmier Borukhov

We analyzed the situation that was illustrated by the painter and discussed in more detail by the description on the plaque. Our group focused on the possible meaning assigned to the image of the three women depicted up close and the blurry men working in the distance. We also analyzed the emotional depth to the characters in the painting. If we had more time it would definitely be helpful to research the painter to understand where he is coming from.
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Night at the Museum

by: Christina Bauman, Christopher Costello

Macaulay’s Night at the Museum Trip was a fascinating adventure where we explored different forms of art, ranging from ancient Egyptian works of applied art to the more aesthetical art of modern day sneaker culture. On our journey, my peers and I engaged many of the works that caught our eye and helped each other gain perspective on these works by collectively analyzing them.

When analyzing these works of art, we took artistic elements such as medium, context and composition into consideration. We spent a lot of time trying to gain a deeper understanding by deriving the context behind the works. For example, we applied our prior knowledge of Egyptian culture to develop some perspective on the meaningfulness or purpose of each work of Egyptian art that we observed.

We focused more on the style, function and background of each piece than their composition and the artistic effects. If we had more time, we’d have dedicated more effort to that.

Overall, we learned a lot about effectively and efficiently analyzing art from the Brooklyn Museum trip, and we look forward to applying these skills in the future.
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FAILE – Temple

by: Ella Merriwether, Andrew Bandini, and Jenny Zhao

My group used historical context, visual analysis, and emotional response to analyze the art piece. We did not do much analysis about the type of materials used or how it was made. If we had more time, we would have loved to do some research on FAILE and the inspirations for the piece.
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The Late Afternoon

by: Lynlia Tso, Ashley Skaria

In our video, we mostly discussed our general impressions of the painting. We first talked about what we saw visually and then we described our thoughts and feelings about the painting. For example, we talked about the colors and the way the light and shadows created the winter scene. We also drew on our previous knowledge when relating Hassam to other artists like Monet. If we had more time, we would have liked to research the background of Hassam and his impressionistic influences.
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Temple at the Brooklyn Museum

by: Maisha Kamal, Paula Pimenta Reyes

The conversation is mostly descriptions and stylistic analysis, and with more time, we could’ve done more about the symbolism and influences behind the art. The installation was originally built in Portugal, and it would have been interesting to look for the cultural links behind that.
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Temple Analysis

by: Samantha Manners and Melanie Tan

We talked about how nothing lasts forever and our society will become ancient and as foreign as that of the Greeks and Romans. The mural on the wall, and the whole exhibit, was a breaking of convention.
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Brooklyn Museum’s Eventide

by: Robin Kumaratunga, Jafar Ali, Steven Du

We analyzed the various historical implications surrounding the three works coupled with their influence in modern society. We attempted to provide background to the supplied works while integrating various key facets of the individual works. Lastly, we analyzed the methods and mediums used to create these works and speculated about the various impacts these works could have had on society. We would have liked to have more with these individual works, so that we could formulate better detailed analyses.
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