The Boar Hunt- Hans Wertinger

by: Ashley Lum and Abirami Rajeev

We mostly focused on analyzing the figures in the painting and we described what they wore, their facial expressions, and the expressions of the animals. We also focused mainly on how the figures were positioned in terms of composition. We were able to identify the time period of the piece and associated it with the Tudor Era. We did not necessarily focus too much on the background of the painting. We also did not verbally state any questions or the artist's intentions.
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“Caught Napping” by William Sidney Mount

by: Lauren Cassidy, Michelle Zhang, Kayla Lang

We did many different types of analysis such as description, interrogation, formal properties and artist's intention. We weren't able to include the subject matter/content and historical context. This was probably due to the fact that we didn't have much prior knowledge of the time period or different genres of art. If there was more time, we would have liked to do another analysis after given some information about the art work therefore, we can have a better understanding of what is going on in the photo.
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The End of the Working Day by Jules Breton

by: Prithviraj Talukdar, Will Carranza, Mia Chin

Our group did a lot of formal analysis including the artistic techniques used, the incredible details, and tried to broaden our meta-analysis to things people wouldn't really think about right away. Take the gold frame for example; the frame was way to fancy for a photo that was about the lowest working class in France at the time, the farmers. We could have done some more personal analysis, like how it made us feel. If we had more time we would have tried to research Jules Breton and figure out why he painted this painting.dd
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A Storm in the Rocky Mountains

by: Noel George, Katie Johnson, George Kenefati, Sam Kramer, Rebecca Regine, Taryn Watkins

We used description, formal properties, content, historical context, artist's intention, and our own interpretation. However, we did not use interrogation. We would have liked to spend more time on our own interpretations as well as looking more closely at the smaller details of such a large painting.
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Resting Place of Prisoners

by: Brighid Gutch, Julia Barravecchio, Matthew Tomko

While this group hit every suggested talk point, we failed to discuss decision to paint this on a large scale, which may have been of some importance. In spite of this, we managed to conduct an insightful conversation and walked awway from the art with a deeper understanding of it's purpose.
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