Portrait of Anita Ramirez in Black

by: Emilee Carratala and Miriam Fried

We described what we saw in the painting, discussed the historical context, and asked questions which we attempted to answer. We also discussed the difference between this painting and others from its time and we explored the artist's intention behind the piece.
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Nydia by Randolph Rogers

by: Sabrina Abrahim, Sarah Coopersmith and Yola Haber

We really looked deeply into Roger's sculpture. We described, interrogated, analyzed the formal properties and talked about the content, historical context and the artist's intentions in creating Nydia. If we had more time, we would have talked more about the purpose and the materials used in the sculpture.
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The Peaceable Kingdom

by: Hannah Bruschi, Vanessa Belford, Johnan Monzon, Lisa Manitta

We talked about historical analysis, and subject matter. We did not discuss formal properties to its full extent but we did mention where the eye is drawn, and we also didn't discuss the author's intent. If we had more time we would have discussed more about paint types and other formal properties.
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Night at the Museum Project

by: Nicole Belenitsky, Richard Tang, Talia Kornreich, & Belinda Wong

This video includes the analysis of the painting "The Outlier" through the lenses of description, formal properties, subject matter/content, historical context, and interpretation. We did not use interrogation for this analysis and if we had more time, we would have like to research the artist's intention and the perspectives during that time.
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Ancient Egypt Erotica

by: Janell R. J., Brandon D., Soraya A., Naveera A.

We focused on the meaning and the history behind the work. We could have discussed dimensions, color, and the material used in more detail. If we had more time, we would conduct more research on the work.
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Night At the Museum

by: Emily David, Chana Tropp, Rose (Hannah) Chaikin, Josh Sacker, Shifali Chambers, Zach Schechter, Joe Fernandez

We analyzed the features of the sculptures, discussing their facial presentation and what it might mean. We also compared and contrasted the two pieces together. There was also a discussion about the style used by the artist. We didn't however discuss the time that the piece was written in, and had there been more time we might have discussed the historical context in relation to how the piece was created.
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A Morning Snow-Hudson River

by: Nanami Kubota and Devora Chait

Description, formal properties, content, historical context, interpretation. Didn't do interrogation
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The Doge’s Palace

by: Leeba Erlbaum, David Fodiman, Alexandros Gloor, Victoria McGrath

Things we analyzed:

– the objective form of the work
– the use of color and geometry
– the use of light and focus
– the perspective of the painter
– its relation to philosophy (Plato's world of ideas)
– the subject matter of the work as opposed to its form
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The Harmony Chair

by: Evan Harris, Matthew Damiani, David Zucker, Irwin G

In our conversations at the museum we analyzed the properties of the work and the historical background. We should have looked more into the alternate perspectives from alternate angles as opposed to taking the chair at face value.
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Scene from the Tale of Nastagio degli Onesti in Boccaccio’s “Decameron”

by: Becky Chakkalo and Marilyn Terzi

We analyzed in many different ways at Night in the Museum. We used a lot of description, and then used our descriptions in order to form formal analysis. We also had a lot of questions regarding this painting and interrogated a lot. We didn't really touch upon the artist's intentions. We questioned them but never really drew conclusions. If we had more time I would have liked to explore more about the historical context of this specific painting.
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