MHC: Night at the Museum

by: Will Zeng, Jason Oelbaum, Stacy Shapiro, and Hannah Sverdlov

For both images displayed in the video, we used a variety of descriptions, formal properties, interpretations of the artist's intentions, historical context, and interrogations. Specifically we observed the color contrasts, the size of the canvas, and other formal properties that made up the image of George Washington. In addition, we referred to the historical context of the Revolutionary War and the time period of Washington's inauguration. The following picture depicted the embarkation of the pilgrims, we observed a variety of descriptions, such as the meaning of the rainbow in the background and the light directed on the priest in the center. Moreover, we discussed the historical context and the painter's intentions for his work.
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Macaulay Night at the Brooklyn Museum

by: Sandy Xu, Alana Zeng, Joseph Parziale

We addressed the formal aspects of color and scale and the content of the works. If we had more time we would polish the production of the video as well as add commentary on the artists intentions and how the content we described relates with the time the pieces were made.
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An Out-of-Doors Study

by: Claudine Guerra, Emily Tepe, Simona Popa

We did all of the specified types of analysis with the exception of historical context. If we had more time, we would've tried to analyze the historical background more and tried to decipher more of the artist's meaning. We went into depth regarding description and formal properties, specifically the colors, lines, brush strokes, and general composition of the painting.
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Mrs. David Forman and Child

by: Kimberly Villalobos, Jacqueline Kim

We did description and formal properties, but we didn't do interrogation, subject matter, and historical context. We would have liked to gotten around to historical context if we had more time.
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A Storm in the Rocky Mountains, Mt. Rosalie

by: Rob Norato, Gil Barahman, Vincent Vitiello

We mostly did descriptive analysis, commenting on the size of the painting and all of its features. We didn't really do any historical context, such as the time in history Bierstadt painted it. We also didn't discuss his intention of the painting. If we had more time we would've liked to discuss these aspects of the painting.
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A Morning Snow – Hudson River

by: Susan Evans, Reid Vero, Steven Moshier, Brianna Gelsomini, Chunilall Kissoon, Nathaly Garzon

While analyzing A Morning Snow – Hudson River by George Wesley Bellows, we elaborated well upon description, formal properties, content, historical context, and art style. There was room to further develop our ideas on the artist's intention and interrogation.
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Night at the Brooklyn Museum

by: Alexandra Badescu, Annmarie Gajdos, Stephanie Angus, Rehmat Sakrani

Our group mainly discussed the artist's intentions and our interpretations of them. We also talked about the historical context and the formal properties of the art piece. If we had more time, we should have talked more about the subject matter.
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Macaulay Night at the Museum (2016)

by: Ashley-Mei Torrenti, Zoe Sailer, Anthony Patafio, Joseph Gofman

The analysis we utilized were description, interrogation, formal properties, subject matter, historical context, and the artist's intention. If we had more time we would have liked to add more affects and embellish the presentation more.
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Brooklyn Museum

by: Alicia Manjila and Chandani Ramkishun

We analyzed the description verbally but after reviewing, we had more deeper analysis in the historical context and artist's intentions. We really didn't do much of the formal properties analysis.
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A Legless Bird

by: Serena Chen, Omayra Cen, Jessica Pitts, Megan Jean-Louis, Ashaney Ewes

Did: description, formal analysis, historical context, our interpretation of the artist's intention
Didn't do: subject matter/content

If we had more time, we would have liked to further analyze the piece, the author's background, and the works surrounding this one in the Disguise exhibit. We would also have liked to explore the other racial discrimination problems and social issues that minorities face not only in the U.S. but around the world to further understand what the artist would have wanted to express in her work.
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